Facing your past and rare naruto chapter!

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Hey you lovely people and welcome back to the story. Just a warning im really upset so it might be dark. Just FYI. Now on with the story!

after school

Rare naruto pov

I getting worried. i texted Akari-Chan about 2 hrs ago. Im gonna walk over there and see wats up.

2mins later

Heres her door. As i go to knock on the door but " its cracked open." i say as i push it open. When i walk inside i notice that her backpack is spilled on the floor and her bedroom door is open. I walk inside and see her asleep. On her nightstand i see a pill bottle open and spilled. I pick up the bottle and read the labble. It reads Sendo Akari R.


What?! Anti depresents. She needs these. "moan" I look down at akari. shes waking up. " Akari? Hello? You up?"

" What Ahhhhhhhh! Naruto! What are you doing here?"

" Checking on you. You had me worried. You ok?"

" Yah. im fine."

" Good. What are these?! " i ask showing her the bottle still in my hand. She snatched it from me. " What are you doing with that." She sasy putting the pills back in the bottle. " No why do you have them?!" i shout. THe room goes silent.

" I need them. For help dealing with my past."

" What happened?"

She hesitated. Took a deep breath. And began. " When i was 5 my aunt and uncle dropped me off at my plc after takeing me out for icecream. I walk inside my house and run to my little brothers crib, he was an infant, cause hes crying. i pick him up and go upstairs to my parents room. I see a random stranger stab my mom and dad in the chest so i run and hide in my closet. When the creepo left, ran and called 911. Then i lived with my aunt and uncle. Then at age 10 my uncle was drutally murdered nad aunt die of asthma when i was 13. So i got an apartment for me and my little bro and raised him. Then at 14 when i gwot my first bf, him and my little bro where at the his plc while i was in a job interview....." she paused. "he.. he lost him. He lost my little brother jay and claimed it wasnt his fault!"

" Did they ever find him?"

" Yes."

" oh thats good."


For thye rest of the night i stayed with her. The next morning we both skipped. She needs it.

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