First night in kohona

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Hey kawaii pandas! i love the support from yall! i feel so important! So this chapter is dedacated to anyone who voted! love yall! 

Akari's POV

I frose. He saw that! I can't believe he saw that! Im gonna die! What do i say? What do i do? I glance over at naruto and see the hes staring at me worried and with wonder. He must have seen my reaction. I pay the drivethrough lady, grab our coffee, and drive out of starbucks the a parking spot out front to give me time to think and answer. We sat silent for a moment. 

" Hey you dont have to tell me. Its clearly way to personal for you to talk about."

" No its not that its just.......' we sat quiet again, "...........UGH."

'Its fine! Dont worry about it!" he said with that big goffy grin. He is such a great friend! I dont deserve him. I feel like i owe him something. After that we just drove off. 

When we got to our apartment compelx, i invited him inside."  Sure! I have nowhere to be. Besides i live like 4 doors that way." he responded pointing to the left. i nodded and unlocked the door and we went inside. We set our stuff down and i plopped down on the couch yelling " Ugh!" Naruto laughed and went to the kitchen. I told him where the cups are and he made us some coke. Then we watched AFV on netflix after our homework. Naruto caught me up on what i missed and he stayed really late.

" Hey i gotta g....CRAP!" naruto yelled lookung through his backpack.

"  What?"

  " I left my keys at school." 

" Can't your parents let you in?" he froze.

" No. My parents are dead. They died when i was young in a car crash. I live by myself." we sat in scilence.

" I came home from school one day and my parents where dead. I was a birthday. My aunt and uncle had taken me out for icecream. Got home the see our brand new kitchen knives in their heads. Blood covering their bedroom." i say avoiding metioning my brother. We stared at eachother for a minute or 2 before i get up and walk to a hall closet. I grab a blanket and then go to my room and grab a pillow i don't use. I walk over to naruto, hand him the items, and walk over to the couch, move the table and coushins, and pull out a bed from inside the couch. Then i say " sleep their tonight."

The next day at school, it went by fast. At lunch i did something i had to. I want up to a guy in a blue t-shirt and jeans and tap hi  on the sholder and say " James, we need to talk."

Hey!! Sorry its short. Will make it up to you i promise. love ya!  See ya Kawaii Pandas!

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat