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Yall should thank Hope_Namikaze because of her comments ive decided to be nice and have something special happen this chapter!! So yea! Enjoy!(she says with evil smirk!)

Sasuke's POV

Shit I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I should go talk to her. I grab my towel and wipe off my chest and forehead and grab my jacket and put it on and zip it up to my belly button exposing my abs and run up the stairs. I knock on the door. Nothing. I slowly turn the door knob and walk over the see a sleeping akari with a bottle of depression pills in her hand! What the fuck!!!! Why would she need these!

Akari POV

I wake up to see a pacing and freaking out s as sasuke. What is his deal. Thats when I notice my pill bote in his hand and yell "Hey that doesn't belo g to you!"

"No but your are in our care and I have a right to know you have these. Why?" Right then and there I spilled everything about my past and the nickname I was give by bullies after my birth and parents death. and he just stood there in awe. Then I look into his sexy onyx eyes and for once I dont see coldness or suspiciousness. I see love and worry. Does he truly care for me or did he just get caught up in the moment? Deep down, right then I realized that I hap strong, loving emotions for the Uchiha. I lean in and kiss him with the most passion and heat then I have ever given to anyone in my enyire life. He instantly kissed back. His lips are so waem and loving. In that one kiss I could feel just how much he cared for me. Maybe even love. I pulled back and said out loud something I had never expected to say again, let alone to him I say "I love you, Sasuke Uchiha! I think it may be love at first sight. I understand if you hate me or want to ignore me like your fangirls. But I will never stop loving you."

"Akari, do I really seam so shallow? Did you not feel my love and power in the kisses? I love you, Rosey. I thought it would be obvious since I gave you a nickname, which I NEVER do! I want to be with you. Will you be my girl?" I froze. Not olny had I not expected any of that but that was how james had asked her out. Never the less I with out hesitation or doubt, knowing that his fangirls will kill her, i closed the small space between us and kissed him, answering yes with my lips. This time, when his tongue asked for entrance into my mouth, I instantly said yes and fought for dominance. I won and explored every inch of his mouth, loving every second. My hands found there way to the back of his head and griped and played in his now messy duckbutt. As one of his hamds did the same, his other hand landed on my ass setting me on his lap, my legs wraping themselves around his waist. When we pulled apart, only a string of spit keeping us together, we gasped for air but our eyes never once leaving that of our lover. I allowed myself to fall again. But was it smart? He is a playboy Uchiha after all, according to naruto.

"I promise, Akari. I wont EVER hurt you. Im not james." He says as if he could read my mind.

"I trust you, babe."

Hey persons! I know that its short but hey, there together, FINALLY! Your welcome!

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat