A true test of strength..........Sasuke's will power!

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Heyo! I bet you dirty minded people thought that last chapter would turn into a lemon scene..............i promise i will include at least one in the book but u have to prove to me you want it. NO MORE SILENT READERS! I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! And i mean blow up my wattpad with feedback like all the other books! If i get this you get a lemon scene.....fair? OK then. Now for the chapter!


I run upstairs into the first bedroom i see and set my bag down on the bed. I open it up and reach in searching for my swimsuit. It's a red bikini with black skull and rose and a lacy cover that matches the black part. I find the bikini and get it out and strip off my clothes and put on my suit and cover and flip flops and look in the mirror. I grab my scrunchy and sunscreen from my bag and head back down to Sasuke who is already changed into black swim trunks with the Uchiha logo on the right leg in the corner. I stand in awe at his incredibly toned body. IS THAT A FUCKING 12 PACK!? HOW THE HELL! And his v-line! I'm in heaven! 


I change and walk out of the room i was in and glance over and see Akari coming down the stairs and freeze at the heavenly sight before my eyes. Her curves. Her figure. HER BREASTS! Jesus Christ! I think i'm in love!  Then i notice her staring at me and smirk. I walk over to her while saying "You look hot." She just nods and says "Yea you are." still mesmerized but i know she would deny it anyway. I pull her close and kiss her, our lips melding together as she immediately kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck. If this keeps up then I will loose control of my horniness......and then she will hate me. That cant happen! We pull apart and grab our beach towel and sunscreen and head outside to the umbrella and chairs. She lays out her towel and hands me bottle and I put sunscreen on her then she does me. This shit is fucking cold! After I lay out on my chair under the umbrella and read for a little while. Then I feel wet hands on my shoulders. I look up and see a soaking wet Akari and smile as my boner grows slightly. Why do I keep seeing that goddess in slow motion............I just answered my own question.

"Come in the water with me! It feels great!" she says smiling. I shake my head and she pouts. "Why not?"

"Two reasons. One my hair. Two ur pout is adorable."

"Is not! And god forbid we mess up the duckbutt."

"It's not a duckbutt knight!"

"Is too Uchiha!"

I sigh and say, "Go have fun."

"I can't if ur not coming!"

"I'm honored."

"Please?!" My god she's adorable! Oh crap puppy dogs eyes. She is the only one who can get that to work on me!

I half sigh half grumble and say "Fine." and get up, setting my book aside. I go to her and take her hand and walk with her to the water. We play in the water, mostly throwing it at each other, both of us now soaked. I don't know why this is all in slow motion but her running away, and giggling, her hair and body wet, it's so fucking beautiful and tempting! 

After that we eat lunch and just goofed off, each time me getting more tempted and horny. Why and how does she do this to me? 

After the sun starts to go down we sit and watch it, me holding my beautiful lover close. My god i love her so much. After that we go inside, shower, and go to sleep, her pjs being my t-shirt and a pair of shorts. The world hates me.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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