Why are you here!!!

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Btw Memna is narutos little brother! The menma from the movie not show.

'Damned bastard! Why the fuck is he here anyway?!' I grumble to myself as I walk down the hallway towards the living room where the damned idiot is. After the call with me dad ended I left in a hurry so I get back to Akari faster. As I entered the living room I saw naruto sitting on the couch.

"What the fuck do you want?!"

"Well hello to you too Sasuke." He says while looking up at me from his seat. As i get closer to him i hear shuffling behind me but i pay no attention to it.

"Why are you here?!" At this he stands up with a mock hurt expression on his face.

"Wow.. I cant believe i was forgotten so easily, really feeling the love Sasukeee-Whoo is that?" He asks while pointing behind me. I then see Akari walking behind us heading towards the kitchen.

"Akari! Love what are you doing?!" I ask her.

"Im getting gay bacon you duckbutt!" She says as if its the most obvious thing in the world.

"Whaaa?" Me and Naruto say in unison while tilting our heads.

"Yeah, gay bacon. I made one of your peoples get me some."She says while getting something out of the fridge and walking back to us. She then holds the object up and smiles. "Gay! Ba! Con!"

"Whoa! You like airheads too?!" Naruto asks in amazement.

"Hell yeah!!! It's not airheads its gay Bacon dammit ,pay attention; dobe!!" She says as she smacks him on the head and walks back up stairs. I turn and watch her as she walks up the stairs. When she is out of site I turn back to the idiot in front of me.

"This is the last time I'm going to say this before I kick you out of my house...... Why are you here?!?" I say this time very angry and Stern. He turns to face me almost scared that I would talk to him in such a manner that he realize something I can tell by the look on his face then he just smiles with this I'm up to something grin.

"I interrupted something didnt I! OMG I did! What did you do! Tell me everything!" As he's rambling and pacing back-and-forth I just turn walk back upstairs and lock the door. My lover looks at me curiously and I just shake my head as if to say I don't ask and walk back over to her, lay down on the bed and just take her in my arms and we sit there and cuddle like that my phone rings again and I hear banging on the door but I just ignore it and we just let sleep take us over once again.

A few hours later i wake up to see akari asleep so cute! I get up and grab my phone off the desk by the door when i here my dad talking to someone downstairs. I slowly and quietly open the door and walk ninja like down to the kitchen and i here dad say "Feel free to stay as long as you like, son" Oh no! Please joshin anyone but him! I turm the corner and see Itachi standing by the fridge. "Hi brother" he says and puts me in a death hold hug. " Ugh! Itachi put me down before someone sees us. I can't breathe!"

"Hahah who would see us?"

"oh I think he's talking about his little girlfriend" dad answers.

"Great dad now you've done it!" I say as i push itachi away from me.

"Sasuke? Whos that?" I here Akari say. Great now I'm extremely embarrassed why does my brother have to be home now!

"Yea sasuke care to introduce me to the lovely lady?" He says as it gets closer to her I growl and he backs up slowly. "Not too close! I'm not letting you do to her what you've done and all my other past girlfriends" i say as i march back up the stairs with akari.


"Oh my god wait fucktard! Do you want me fall?!" I just ignore Akari for now and continued dragging her up the stairs! Once we are outside my door i swing it open, rush me and akari into the room. She just stares at me as i lean my forehead on the door and catch my breath. Why of all times dose it have to be now???? WHY???!!!!!

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat