Dads home!!! Help! Sasuke POV!

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Hey people???  Soooo i hate quiet fans! Speak to me!!! Are you ready to see who the dad is?  Oh and idk if i told where they live so im saying it now. they live in Kohona, California. Well read on!!

Sasukes  pov

I have been cleaning the house to his liking for the past two days now. I'm soo fucking tired!!!! He will be here in 3 hrs. I better have lunch ready for when he gets home he will be hungry. But im soooo tired. I will take a 30 min nap and then shower and cook. I lay down and set a alarm. Then im out like a light.

TIME SKIP!........................................................................................HEHE.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I yawn as a wake up to here light em up by the fallout boys. I slowly roll over and as im shutting the alarm sound off i see that its 11:00! I was asleep for 3 hrs! I shoot up and run down stairs. When i get to the bottom i hear voices coming from the kitchen. 

"Well aren't you just splendid!" I hear dad say. SHIT HES HOME! 

" Not really sir. Oh its ready."

" Please call me Orochimaru."

" Its soo long. How about snakes. Cause u remind me of a snake."

" Whatever makes you happy just not sir it makes me feel old. Now what are we eating again? There he is. Hello Sasuke." he says as i enter the room.

" Dad." I say as i hug him. " How was your trip and flight?"

" The trip was boring and the flight was long but Miami was BEAUTIFUL! What were we eating Miss Sendo?"

" Akari please. Its seafood pasta. My Aunt used to make it and she taught it to me. Its Alfredo pasta with baby shrimp and crab." 

" Yum!"

" Sorry about that dad. I layed down to take a nap and was asleep longer than hoped. "

" Its fine sasuke. Come eat lunch."

Time skip.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

After lunch we moved Akari into my room. She was not happy but still. Im looking forward to tonight!

Im stopping early due to writers block!!!! Srry!

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat