Heart break

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Iguro was walking toward the Ubuyashiki estate. He was only about 100 metres away so he didn't feel the need to rush there, well that is until he saw his crush nearing the estate.

He immediately started running and was there within 15 seconds. 'Thankfully I'm faster than Kanroji and she's also just walking. I'd like to greet her before anyone else.' Iguro's train of thoughts stopped when he saw someone walking next to Kanroji.

'What the hell is that moron doing walking with Kanroji?!' Iguro thought and started leaning against the usual tree he rests on, 'No it's fine Obanai, Kanroji's a friendly person and is allowed to have as many friends as she likes, but why him of all people?' he rolled his eyes.

"Why do you look so upset Iguro?" Kanroji was still a bit far from Iguro but he heard her perfectly. "I saw you rolling your eyes, did I do something to upset you?" She looked somewhat upset.

"HUH? What?! No, not at all! Your perfect Kanroji you could never upset me!" Iguro was panicking, he couldn't have Kanroji feeling guilty over something she never did.

"That's a relief!" Kanroji now had a smile on her face, Iguro started to glare at Tomioka but he was just looking to the side waiting patiently for the conversation between the two to end.

'Atleast this idiot has some awareness to let us talk, not like he ever talks anyways.' Iguro was slightly less pissed off that Tomioka was with Kanroji.

Tomioka was just about to walk away when Kanroji suddenly latched onto his arm "Why didn't either of you say hi to eachother?" Kanroji seemed to be completely unaware that they weren't friendly with eachother at all.

'Oh right, I promised myself never to say anything rude to anyone in front of Kanroji. Can't have her thinking bad about me if I want to stand a chance.' Iguro internally faceplamed, he really didn't want to greet Tomioka but he'll do it if that would make Kanroji happier.

"Hello Iguro, I hope you have a great day now please excuse me.." Tomioka was clearly in a rush to get away from where Iguro was but Kanroji is freakishly strong and had a tight grip on Tomioka signalling for Iguro to say hello back with a hand gesture with her free hand.

"Ah..Hello Tomioka, thanks I will." Kanroji seemed very upset with his answer by not wishing Tomioka a good day back but Iguro really don't care for how his day goes.

"Uhm Kanroji? Do you mind quickly following me, I would like to ask you something.." Tomioka was avoiding eye contact with both Kanroji and Iguro. 'What the hell is this retard going to ask Kanroji?.....WAIT WHAT IF HE TELLS HER I'M RUDE TO HIM?! THIS BITCH BETTER NOT IF HE KNOWS WHAT'S GOOD FOR HIM!!' Iguro became visibly infuriated but quickly hid it not wanting to scare Kanroji off.

'Guess I'll just listen in on their conversation.' My thoughts were interrupted with Kanroji excusing herself and Tomioka looking at the floor, looking like a dead fish.

'What the hell?' All the other pillars had already arrived and were all in little groups chatting, Shinazugawa started to walk up to Iguro considering their friends, it's no surprise.

"Surprised to see you on the floor and not in your little tree." Shinazugawa was mocking him but he brushed it off "Well atleast I can climb a fucking tree."

"I can climb a tree you asshole. You want me to show you, huh?!" He was clearly pissed off but it only made it funnier and lightened the atmosphere. "Nah, I'm alright thanks. I don't exactly plan to watch you climb a simple fucking tree. What I really want to do is listen to Tomioka and Kanroji's conversation."

"What? Now your stalking her? Geez, it's an obsession at this point." Shinazugawa was grinning from ear to ear. 'He's definitely gonna use this as blackmail but that's a problem for another day.'

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