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At first there'll be kissing and stuff leading upto the sex part.

Also sorry for not uploading as often, I started high school and yoh it's not easy, it's stressful I can't imagine what the metrics feel like.


At first him and Iguro were talking in Tomioka's kitchen then it went to walking down the hallways, the conversation was about Kanroji.

All Iguro spoke about was Kanroji, he didn't have a single word to say unless the topic was about Kanroji.

This frustrated Tomioka slightly but he brushed it off, until they got to Tomioka's bedroom. Suddenly he was hit with a strange urge that he didn't quite understand. He knew it was a dream and just went with the flow of things.

"Iguro why are we in my bedroom? We could go to the living room to continue the conversation." Iguro sat down on Tomioka futon and looked up at him smirking.

"Oh so your into things like that? Damn Tomioka I knew you were perverted but didn't you liked the risk of someone spotting you in the middle of fucking." Tomioka's body wasn't working with him because it started to go up to Iguro.

It was because it was a dream that he was acting this way if it was real, he'd lock himself in his room or bathroom to get away form Iguro.

"I'm not exactly into it, I just wasn't sure why you were in my room." Iguro didn't seem very pleased with his response "Your acting like I didn't just provoke you by talking about Kanroji the whole day."

'What? He was provoking? Does he want me to leave him alone?' Tomioka was getting ready to leave "Where are you going? This your house you do realise that, right?"

Tomioka didn't say anything but he did stop walking "Come here Tomioka." and just like before his body moved on it's own towards the serpent pillar but he just stood in front of him. "Hah I was right, you like being told what to do."

"I do not." Iguro just smirked and looked up at Tomioka "Why are you still standing? Or do you want to do it while standing?" After that remark Tomioka was beyond confused, hell he didn't even know where this dream was taking him, usually him and Iguro would only kiss and lay around talking.

'What the hell does he mean by "it"? Does he mean sex? No it can't be.' As soon as his thoughts ended he saw Iguro standing right in front of him.

Iguro had reached his hands up to wrap around Tomioka neck to bring his head lower and kissed him at first it was the kiss Tomioka was used to and he was enjoying it but then Iguro got pushy and started licking his lip.

'Why is he licking my lip?' Iguro had a feeling that Tomioka wouldn't understand and pressed his knee into Tomioka's boner causing Tomioka to open his mouth slightly and Iguro slipped his tongue in and pulled Tomioka down more.

The kiss went on for a while because they were both breathing through their noses until Iguro pulled away. 'What the hell is up with this dream? I mean I'm not complaining but what the hell is going on?'

Tomioka was so lost in thought and hadn't noticed Iguro on his knees in front of him. "Woah wait what the actual hell is going on now?"

"I'm gonna give you a blow job, duh." Tomioka was visibly confused and Iguro began unbuckling Tomioka's belt, until he felt Tomioka slightly flinch. "Oh you don't want me to? Ok then suit yourself."

Iguro started to get up and Tomioka began panicking "Wait.." Iguro was half way up from standing and stopped his movements "Changed your mind?"

Tomioka didn't say anything he just looked to the side and slightly nodded and Iguro got back down onto his knees and took off the bandages from his mouth then replacing it with his hand.

"Tomioka, put my bandages or something else over your eyes." Tomioka complied by picking up the bandages and tying them onto his eyes. "Good boy, just to make sure I do have your consent to giving you a blow job right?" Tomioka nodded.

"I want to hear you say that I have your consent Tomioka. Don't just nod." Tomioka lowered his head as if to look at Iguro even though he couldn't see him "Yes."

"Say it properly." Tomioka's ears were going red from embarrassment "...Yes, you have my consent....please Iguro.."

"Wasn't so hard now was it? For going through with it I'll give you what you want."

Iguro continued with Tomioka's belt and pulled off his pants and started to slide his hands up and down Tomioka's thighs.

"What exactly do you want me to do Tomioka? Or if you'd like I can just continue to rub your thighs."

"Damnit Iguro..." Iguro knew what he was doing, he could see Tomioka was urging to be touched but he wanted Tomioka to beg for it.

"Please...please can you just suck me off?" Tomioka looked like he just about had enough and was about to snap but he kept his cool and kept his hands at his side.

Iguro was still feeling in control of things and was teasing the tip of Tomioka's dick. He kept licking at it and then licking up along the side.

It seemed Tomioka had enough and he gently began guiding Iguro to actually take him in. It made Iguro smirk and do as he was told before moving his own head more aggressively and taking atleast half of it in his mouth with his hand working the rest of it.


Unfortunately, Tomioka's dream ended before he could cum so he woke up with a raging boner.


When Tomioka woke up everything had happened, Iguro had sucked him off and Tomioka needed to jerk off but didn't want to get up and go to the bathroom in case Iguro woke up and saw.

'I can't sleep and I also can't get up." Tomioka was eventually just laying there staring at the ceiling. He laid there for a good 30 minutes until he had settled down and he made his way to the kitchen.

"Oh Mr. Tomioka!" Senjuro was in the kitchen making food and tea. "I was just coming to wake you, Mr. Iguro and my brother up."

"Are you going to bed after giving us this Senjuro?" Senjuro smiled and nodded "Yes. I wanted to make something for you guys to eat before going."

"...Thank you Senjuro." Tomioka relaxed his facial expression and Senjuro could tell it was to show him that he was grateful and more relaxed around him.

"Could you go wake up Iguro please? I'll wake up my brother." Tomioka nodded, went to the room they shared and opened the door.

"Iguro, wake up. Senjuro made us food."


Imma end it there, hope you guys enjoyed <3
Sorry for taking so long to update also, High school is stressful

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