The mission

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So basically I'm gonna make Tomioka go on the mission with Rengoku bcs I will not have him dying on me. Also Iguro will be serving as back up if anything goes wrong.


When the three pillars had gone inside the estate and sat down waiting patiently for the master to be escorted into the room by his children. Both the twins had walked into the room and stood directly in front of the three pillars.

"The Master needs to take his medicine, he will arrive shortly." Then the two walked back out going to fetch the master's medicine.

"I wonder what the master would like to discuss! What do you think Tomioka?" Rengoku was practically beaming while asking the man.

Tomioka simply just shrugged as his answer, thankfully the room as large and it was dark so Rengoku couldn't see Iguro's face well.

Iguro was sitting as far away from the 2 as possible because even though Tomioka had already seen him crying he didn't exactly want the man to see any more than he already had.

'Damnit..I thought Kanroji felt the same as me..It's fine as long as she's happy it's fine.' Iguro was lucky that he had the personality that he did so he could easily stop himself from crying, only problem is the aftermath.

'Ugh wearing a wet mask is gross. I'm pathetic for crying. I should've never started crying..I never should've listened to the conversation! No wait..if I hadn't listened then my feelings would've just continued to grow.'

Iguro was overthinking every little detail there was to think about while Rengoku kept talking and Tomioka just kept listening and nodding every now and then to show Rengoku he was in fact listening.

'I wonder if Iguro's doing alright, I wanna turn back to check but I don't want Rengoku to look either and he probably chose that spot to be out of sight, he likely doesn't want me to see him crying anymore than I already have seen.'

Tomioka was resistanting the urge to look back so he just kept his head peeled forward and focused his eyes on a pretty and detailed vase that was in the front of the room.

Rengoku suddenly stopped talking and started to look for what Tomioka was focusing on so much and his eyes settled upon the vase in the room.

"Do you like that vase? It's very pretty. It actually resembles the ocean! Don't you think so Tomioka?" Rengoku had his usual smile but Tomioka could see literal sparkles appear around him.

"Yes, it's very pretty and also peaceful too, but Rengoku you missed something, the water is being surrounded and kind of..being lead by a be in a certain shape or form."

"Ah! You're right my friend! I could not see the snake very well because I only saw it for a second! It's quite the masterpiece!!" Rengoku was very loud but Tomioka knew about his hearing issue and was just glad to have someone talking to him.

'Ugh..I have a headache from crying and the loudness in Rengoku's voice is very loud and it's making it worse..' Iguro tried holding his head and ears.

"Wait now that you say that! Doesn't it kind of represent you and Iguro?" That caught Iguro's attention and he looked at the vase but couldn't see it due to his impaired vision and also the darkness in the room.

Iguro was overcome with curiosity he got up and went closer to get a better look at the vase. He still had to go even closer than the other 2 pillars because he's partially blind.

Rengoku was still awaiting Tomioka's response but he just kept quiet and was staring at Rengoku looking deep in thought and Rengoku decided to leave the conversation at that.

He decided to look around at all the other vases in the room and saw one that had a large flame going in all different directions with explosions around it, "Oh that must be to represent Uzui and I!"

He turned his head slightly more to the left and saw another one with butterflies surrounding a big heart with green vines wrapped around it. ''Oh Kocho and Kanroji! Absolutely stunning!!''

Rengoku saw that was the last one on the left so he looked to the right and saw another 2 on the right of the Water and Serpent one.

This one was fairly plain but still pretty it was wind blowing around a mountain, the wind and mountain seemed to be at peace with one another ''This must be Himejima and Shinazugawa!!''

The next one he didn't really recognise, only the one half. It was a shot gun with bullets around it while there's a short katana creating an X like shape with mist surrounding it.

''Ah! Tokitou, but what's the other bit for? And that doesn't look like Tokitou's blade either..Maybe it's someone I don't know."

Just a quick note I don't ship UzuRen, it's just to show their best buddy friendship.
I also don't ship ShinoMitsu is also to show their friendship, not a ship.
And I rlly don't ship Himejima and Shinazugawa. It's for their respect for one another.
But I do ship ObaGiyuu and GenMui


"All these vases here seem to represent a friendship or a relationship of some sort!!" Rengoku still had sparkles levitating around him.

Just then the Master walked in with his two children supporting him and walking him to be seated. "Correct my child. Those vases were all made to display a future relationship or friendship, it might have happened already like yours and Tengen's friendship."

Master sat down and then his children sat down, one on his right and one on his left. "As well as Shinobu and Mitsuri's friendship."

"The one with Gyomei and Sanemi..well that's to display their respect for one another." Master had his usual calm demeanor on and it relaxed Iguro a lot.

He was still in front of the two pillars and was bowing, keeping his head down. "Master, what about the other two?" Rengoku politely asked, it was very loud but the Master knew he meant well.

"Well, the one with Muichirou is with a Sanemi's brother, Genya. He's also a fellow slayer though he cannot use breaths he has his own ways of exterminating the demons, the two weapons displayed on the vase are the weapons he uses in battle."

"And well the one with Giyuu and Obanai..well I'd rather you see it for yourselves." Master gave a smile at the end making anyone that had any questions or comments to make, immediately take them back.

"I apologise for changing the topic so quickly but there is an important matter we need to discuss." Master stopped smiling but didn't exactly look angry, just calm.

"There has been many killings on the Mugen train so I will be sending Kyojuro and Giyuu." The two pillars didn't know what to say because they knew the master could kind of see into the future or more like fortell it.

"I'm sure it is a lower kizuki member but just for safety measures Iguro will be serving as backup if needed." Master then started to smile again.

"Master, I don't mean to question your words but I would like to know why there needs to be three pillars all in one area?" Iguro asked politely keeping his voice steady and calm looking up slightly from the floor.

"Well..I do have reason to believe that there might be a higher ranking demon there. Or that there is a higher ranking demon controlling them, but all I believe is that you will come across an upper ranking kizuki member."

All three pillars immediately looked at the master with shocked faces, tho Tomioka fixed his expression almost immediately.


I hope you guys enjoy and if you have any book requests, I'll write a book about it, not saying I'll do every request because I don't exactly like every ship out there.

Like for example I don't and refuse to write a fanfic about BakuDeku. I'm sorry but just no.

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