The Real Fun

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At that moment, Tomioka had woken up. He was sweating, panicking and had a major boner that needed to be relieved.

When he looked up he was very surprised to have seen Iguro awake (consideing his sleeping habits), never mind staring right at his boner.

Tomioka wished he could evaporate and Iguro just made it worse. "Hey Tomioka, did you get a boner while dreaming of me? You kept saying my name." Iguro had a huge smirk plastered on his face.

"What time is it? What day is it?" Iguro became confused "It's about 3:30 and it's Friday." Tomioka's face looked pale "We're still at the Rengoku estate?"

"Uhm yeah? Anyways back to the point, what in the world made the one and only, Giyuu Tomioka, so horny?" Iguro said smirking again and began to gensture towards Tomioka's boner.

"It'll calm down soon enough, just try and ignore it, I apologize for the inconvenience, Iguro." Iguro looked displeased with his answer and so he got up and walked over to Tomioka "I asked what made you hard. Nothing else. Now answer."

"You did. Well to be more specific, my wet dream that was about you." Iguro smirked again "Well to bad it'll likely forever be a dream." Tomioka made a face that had the I know that look.

"Well unless we make a deal." Tomioka looked up at Iguro who was now standing right in front of him, with his dick right by Tomioka's face.

"You have to keep Kubaramaru during the week that I'm going to be on that damned mission, feed him, give him attention etc. Oh and I get to humiliate you during sex and I get to tell Shinazugawa, Uzui and Kocho one embarrasing thing you do during sex. I'll just say that you fucked a friend of mine."

Tomioka didn't even look like he was thinking and just responded "No." Iguro looked at him upset "Why the fuck not?"

"You can humiliate me during sex, hell, even tell the whole world every detail of what I do, but you absolutely will not tell anyone that I banged someone else. Unless you tell them we had sex, I want nothing to do with this deal."

Iguro smirked again "Oh? The humiliation is something you'd do? I thought that was the problem? But it's the fact that I don't want to tell them we banged? Fine. I'll leave that part of the deal out."

"Can we sleep now? I'm tired." Tomioka looked like he was ready to pass out. "Sure." And with that they both went back to sleep. The next morning however they both woke up early and left a note for the Rengoku's, thanking them.

They decided to go to Iguro's estate since it was closest to the Rengoku's. The master did that considering their past together in hopes of them becoming closer.

"So, to pick up the conversation where we left off. My mission starts on Sunday. So I have the weekend to recover, well unless your the one getting banged. I'd honestly prefer banging you then getting banged by you." Iguro stated.

"No, I'm not the bottom, and can't it be another day? I want to sleep." Tomioka looked like a child sulking and Iguro grabbed the back of his head and pushed it onto his dick "I don't want you looking like that, you look like a child and it's a turn off."

"Suck me off if you don't want to fuck. Just saying I'm doing the fucking." Tomioka grabbed the bottom of Iguro's legs and pulled them, causing Iguro to fall but Tomioka had caught him from falling.

"Sorry Iguro, but if we're doing this, I'm on top." Iguro was blushing ever so slightly and Tomioka felt like he was hallucinating and quickly let go of Iguro "No, nevermind. I'll take care of Kubaramaru regardless."

"What's wrong now? Is it because of the fact that I liked Kanroji?" Tomioka looked up at Iguro who was in the same position as just a few seconds ago. 'Wait, did he just say liked? As in past tense? No, it was probably a mistake.'

"Yes, I said liked not like. There's no point in loving a taken person. So Tomioka..." Iguro went down and sat on Tomioka's lap putting all his weight into him.

"Make me love you."


Sorry for the last one, I just had to do one more of my cliffhanges before giving you the real deal, it's funny to see your reaction <3

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