Cliffhanger <3

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Tomioka put his one hand behind Iguro's head, his other hand pulling off his mask slightly and pulled him in for a kiss, he then moved his hand down to Iguro's hip. After a little while Tomioka pulled away.

"Oh? Is that all you've got? Is that all you've been wanting to do to me?" Iguro's hand had made his way onto Tomioka's dick and he just lightly had it there, no pressure or anything.

This made something in Tomioka snap, he immediately kissed Iguro again, this time adding tongue.

Iguro couldn't breathe through his nose very well because of the mask covering it and began to push Tomioka away, though it wasn't working.

Tomioka had no intention of pulling away any time soon, so he continued the passionate, yet somewhat, aggressive kiss.

Iguro could barely breathe at this point and he could feel that tears were pricking at the corner of his eyes. He put his hand back on Tomioka's dick and squeezed it, not enough to hurt him but just enough to get his attention.

Tomioka threw his head back and bit his lip "I get stop." Iguro was trying his best to explain in between deep breaths and without stuttering.

Iguro caught his breath quickly and grabbed Tomioka's hand and led him to his estate. "We can't exactly finish this outside so let's go inside."

They soon reached the Serpent's estate and Kubaramaru slithered off Iguro's shoulder and went inside through the opening he made for himself.

After a while of kissing outside again and then teaching for the door handle and going inside, they eventually made it to Iguro's bedroom.

"So who's fucking who?" Iguro said once they reached the bedroom. Tomioka said nothing in return. "How about this, whoever has the bigger dick gets to penetrate." Iguro seemed to be very confident in his size since he had suggested that.

Tomioka looked like he was debating and decided to go through with it by nodding. "We'll continue so that the mood is good but we still have to compare yk. Or wait do you know your size? I'm 7 inches"

Tomioka's mood looked like it had lifted and Iguro knew he made a mistake "7 and a half." Tomioka had an ever so slight smile on his face and Iguro looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Hey.. let's just stop for now.." Iguro was trying to walk away "So you're backing down from the deal?" That made Iguro spin around and kiss Tomioka again "I ain't no pussy. Of course I'm gonna fulfill the deal."

"I'll do it on one condition." Tomioka nodded without thinking, desperate for Iguro to touch him again. "We switch after the first round if I don't like it. So either pleasure me real good with your big dick or get dicked down too."

Tomioka regretted agreeing to it without knowing the deal, but if he had to get fucked in order for him to be intimate with Iguro, he would do just that.

Iguro and Tomioka continued kissing with Iguro only having a small enough opening for Tomioka's tongue to enter, he was happy that Tomioka had no objections, with his mask.

Iguro began to palm Tomioka's dick and decided that he wanted some himself and put his hand into Tomioka's hair and pushed him down.

"C'mon, pleasure me." Tomioka wasn't very confident in giving a blowjob because he had never given one before, but the second Iguro had told him to suck him off, he did, he got down on his knees immediately.

He started licking up and down the shaft and once getting to the head he kissed it and went back down to licking it up and down.

This went on for a few minutes, until Iguro got frustrated and pulled Tomioka by his hair and made him fall on his ass. "You don't mind a little pain right? Because your throat is gonna hurt after this." Iguro was smiling and holding his dick near Tomioka's face.

Tomioka nodded and opened his mouth and let Iguro thrust into his mouth as he pleased. He wasn't exactly fond of pain but he was fine with it as long as Iguro was enjoying himself.

Tomioka had a stream of tears running down his face with spit around his mouth, falling down his chin. Iguro kept asking Tomioka if he was alright with what he was doing and he just kept humming on his dick as his way of saying it's alright.

After a while more of Tomioka struggling to breathe, with his throat being ruined and his eyes hurting from the tears falling, Iguro came half in his mouth and half on his face. "Shit!! Sorry I didn't pull out quick enough now there's some still in your mouth. You can spit it."

Tomioka immediately swallowed it "Makes the mood better if I swallow though, right?" Iguro was super turned on by this "You better not kiss me after all that."

"I wouldn't count on me not kissing you." Tomioka for up off the floor and picked Iguro up, gently placing him on the bed and getting between his legs. Once he was in the right positioning he started to kiss Iguro while pushing his fingers in Iguro's mouth at the same time.

Unfortunately that made the hole in the bandages bigger and nearly made them unravel and Iguro felt that. "Can I take off my bandages and do it this way?" Iguro positioned himself so his chest was on the bed, his ass was in the air and his face was buried in the pillow.

"Sure, if that's what you want then let's do it." Iguro unravelled his mask and quickly buried his face into the pillows and Tomioka noticed that his fingers weren't lubed up enough.

Not wanting to scare Iguro by pushing his fingers in his mouth again he just sucked his own 3 fingers and then put them on Iguro's ass.

"You sure your able to take it? If you're not ready just say so.."

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