round two

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When Iguro stepped out the bathroom he walked back to the bedroom to see Tomioka sitting there already blindfolded.

"Iguro is that you?" Tomioka's head snapped towards the footsteps that were coming towards him. "Yes yes, it's me Tomioka, your alright."

Upon hearing that Tomioka calmed down and his muscles loosened up. "Hey, are you sure your alright with receiving, Iguro?"

Iguro grabbed something from the drawer next to the bed and climbed on top of Tomioka's lap once again "Stop doubting my words Tomioka, I said I'd do it so I'll do it. Besides I already prepared, I'm not about to let that go to waste."

"If you say so then, but you can switch at any time alright?" After hearing this, Iguro got the most indecent plan he has ever thought of on his own.

"Oh? Then how about we go two rounds. I bottom first and you bottom second round." Iguro was expecting some kind of reluctance but Tomioka only responded with "Alright."

Iguro was grinning like mad and was now actually looking forward to it, thankfully Iguro and Tomioka were similar in sizes down there so the condoms fit them both, just that Tomioka was longer and Iguro was thicker.

"Then let's get down to business shall we?" He got off Tomioka's lap and went down on his knees in front of him and began to undo his belt.

Iguro didn't even need to suck Tomioka off to get him hard, he was hard right from the beginning and it didn't even go down while Iguro was in the shower. 'Damn, I gave him blue balls..did he not even jerk off when I was in the shower? Doesn't look like it.'

After just about making his whole dick wet, he put the condom on Tomioka and climbed back on top of him, lining up Tomioka's dick with his ass.

"Hey Tomioka, wanna know something before this whole thing continues?" Tomioka nodded hesitantly, hoping Iguro wouldn't say something in a way that would mean they would have to stop.

"On the train, I also..had the same dream, I dreamed of all the pillars at a picnic and I was talking with Kanroji, then suddenly it changed into...well exactly what you explained last time."

Tomioka didn't even seem to react, well, that's what it looked like on the outside atleast. On the inside, Tomioka was having a complete mental breakdown and was debating the meaning of life and why he wanted so desperately to die in the past.


Iguro grew worried by the lack of movement, words and the sound of breathing "HOLY CRAP TOMIOKA? ARE YOU OKAY? BREATHE."

After a while more of Tomioka just staring off into space not breathing, he snapped back into reality and somehow simultaneously, as if he had done this before, snapped his hips upwards but thankfully not to hard.

His motion caused half of his dick to go up into Iguro, but Iguro immediately moved his hands to hold his hips down so he couldn't go any further. "Do you think you could maybe shrink your dick?"

Iguro was heaving in between his words and thus caused Tomioka to be even more erect, cashing him to grow slightly larger than before.

"EEEK- SHIT TOMIOKA I SAID SHRINK NOT GROW YOU MOTHERFUCK- Ahh" Iguro was cut off by the feeling of his legs giving out and him sinking down on Tomioka's dick.

For a while, Iguro just laid on Tomioka, still not taking the full length of his dick inside but Tomioka didn't seem to be in any hurry to try and thrust up, well that's just Iguro's perspective of course.

But little did Iguro know, is that Tomioka's patience was running low and he was getting ready to snap like he did just a few minutes ago

Of course he had no intention of doing anything to make Iguro uncomfortable, he can't have the one he loves getting hurt. He actually nearly snapped just a few minutes ago from the first time he snapped his hips upwards.

But Iguro looked like it hurt so he put all his effort into restraining himself while Iguro adjusts.

"Fuck! Why does a loner like you have such a huge cock, goddamnit!?" Iguro shouted but began bouncing up and down after remembering he had given Tomioka blue balls twice now already.

"Damn Tomioka, you have a lot of self restraint. Don't forget that after this, it's your turn to take a dick up your ass." Tomioka just looked up at Iguro and Iguro could see in his eyes just how low his patience was running.

"H-hey Tomioka, calm down..please...." Tomioka moved his left hand up to cup Iguro's face "It's ok Iguro, if you want to we can switch now? It looks like your having some troubles breathing and you also look like you have no trust in me."

"No. I trust you Tomioka, you just seem like your running on thin ice there. I've adjusted enough by now I'm sure so you can move as you like."

After Iguro had said that, Tomioka snapped. He lost all restraint and began moving.

He started out nice and slow to firstly sink his dick deeper into Iguro, secondly to make sure Iguro got used to the feeling but most importantly, to find Iguro's prostate.

After a few minutes he heard Iguro moan a little louder and more high pitched than the rest of moans he let out. "Harder..Oh god please!"

Tomioka began to speed up and thrust harder up into Iguro, after a while of this both of them came and Tomioka pulled out and threw the condom away.

Iguro looked at Tomioka with a shit eating grin, still calming down from his climax. "Hey Tomioka, ready for round two?"


Sorry that took so long to upload, I had to make sure it was good enough to upload.

In my eyes, Iguro is a little bit sadistic when it comes to bottoming and topping, as you can tell by him giving Tomioka blue balls.

So anyways is everyone ready for Tomioka to be the bottom?

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