Forming feelings

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Tomioka had already arrived at his estate, taking off his shoes and walking down the passageway to his room 'Should I sleep first and shower later tonight before my mission? I feel dirty right now so I'll go and shower.'

Tomioka took off his haori leaving it in his room and walked into the bathroom taking his yukata and a towel with him. He undressed and stepped into his shower.

He looked down at his body and it immediately reminded him of his dream of Iguro, that made Tomioka wash himself very quickly, barely even looking down not wanting to be reminded of the scene.

He quickly dried off, about to put on his sleepwear until Kanzuborou came in and told him about a mission he would have to go on with another pillar, he didn't say which one though, he probably didn't hear it.

"The pillar is waiting outside your estate! Caw hurry!" Kanzuborou was flying around above Tomioka's head and was about to land "Tell them to come inside and I'll be out now."

'Damn and here I wanted to rest, I was actually feeling kinda tired if I'm being entirely honest.' Tomioka rushed into his room with his towel around his waist to see Iguro in the doorway to his room, looking unfazed.

"Hurry the fuck up. We don't have all fucking day." Iguro leaned against the side of the doorway still looking at Tomioka.

Tomioka took a clean uniform out his cupboards "Can't you get out or atleast look away?" He was self conscious of himself but more so of the dream. He didn't want the same eyes in his dream that saw him naked to see him naked in real life.

"Why? What's the problem? Is it coz of that sick dream you had? We're both men and I'm not leaving so hurry up." Iguro was visibly grinning, he was having fun teasing Tomioka for the dream he had on the train.

"Yes, yes it is because of the dream. Now look away please." Iguro just stayed completely still so Tomioka just walked back into the bathroom unfortunately it didn't have a door so he just went to a corner and started to get dressed.

Glancing up to see that Iguro wasn't there. After putting on his underwear Iguro walked in and just stood there watching him once again, Tomioka froze up.

"What you need help getting dressed now?" Iguro scoffed and had his hand on his eyes as if to not let Tomioka see he was smiling.

"Do you have a hobby of watching people get dressed?" Iguro took his hand down "Excuse me? No the fuck I do not."

"Then why do you keep watching me get dressed so desperately?" Iguro just laughed "Because, your reaction is priceless, anyways, Hurry up we still have a mission to get to. Also no I won't get out nor look away."

Iguro was smirking at this point and Tomioka noticed and just carried on getting dressed. He refrained from looking at Iguro and his own body too much.

More just looking at the floor but he couldn't help but notice that his pants rose slightly in an unwanted area. Iguro didn't seem to notice it and Tomioka was going to keep it that way.

He put on his shirt and walked past Iguro not looking at him at all. He immediately grabbed his haori and walked towards his front door putting his shoes back on, Iguro following him.

'Hm? Now he's avoiding me. What did he get a boner while I watched him get changed?' Iguro rolled his eyes at the thought and thought it was gonna be funny if it was true so he wanted to check, he was trying to get in front of Tomioka.

Tomioka was too busy trying think of things to calm him down but it didn't exactly work because he kept thinking of Iguro looking at him and smirking. Iguro was now walking in front of him but facing his way.

Iguro's eyes grew wide at seeing that he was right "HAH YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A BONER!!" Tomioka looked up at Iguro quickly.

"PLEASE, WHAT? WHAT IS BECAUSE I WATCHED YOU WHILE YOU GOT DRESSED PFFT!! Disgusting." Tomioka looked down again and started running to their destination, Iguro once again following behind him.

'Is it really that disgusting..?' They took down the lower moon that had other demon's working for it and didn't get too injured.

"Tomioka, my estate is way to far from here so let's both stay at your estate. I would go to Kanroji's since it's nearby but after everything I don't know if I could bring myself to.." Iguro looked at the ground and then looked at Tomioka.

".....I'll go to the butterfly estate." Iguro was confused but then understood "Oh come on your not even injured. I get it you had a boner. Everyone gets random boners every now and then so chill."

'The problem is I know it's not just random. It's because you were staring at me. I think Ko- Shinobu was right. I like him..' Iguro started to smirk again "Hmm? Or was it really because of my staring and your worried you could jump me tonight?"

Tomioka just thought about it for a while "Fine." Was all he said and carried on walking.

It started to rain and since Tomioka liked the rain so he stopped and just stood there in the rain. Iguro on the other hand wasn't a fan of the rain. "Hurry up and let's get out of this horrible weather."

Tomioka nodded and they began running to his estate for Iguro to not be pissed off. "You can go inside first, I wanna stay out here for a while." Iguro just walked in and took off his shoes.

"Can I use your shower?" Tomioka nodded, took off his haori placed it inside, went back outside and layed on the grass.

He fell asleep and didn't dream about anything at first, all he saw was white and black stripes, then he saw it start to zoom out and realised it was Iguro's haori but then he started to take it off, along with his Demon Slayer uniform.

Tomioka jolted awake and ran into his patio, Iguro walked out and sat on the beach next to him wearing one of his yukatap, it was huge on him since he didn't have any smaller sizes, he gave them to the poor a few months ago.

"Geez your soaked. Let me get you a towel, I think you should shower again." Tomioka just nodded and refused to even look at Iguro.

A few moments later Iguro came back holding a towel "You should go inside and get undressed by the door as to not wet the place completely. I'm gonna go make some food."

Iguro walked inside again putting the towel on the same jacket rack as Tomioka's haori and immediately walked away. Tomioka got undressed put the towel around his waist and showered again also dressing into a yukata.

They both ate in silence and Iguro slept in Tomioka's bed while he slept on a futon on the floor. Dreaming of unpleasant things once again.


I hope I'm not making things go too quickly but I still think it's good. Anyways Merry Christmas guys❤️

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