Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 

  Stiles jumps back, letting out a shriek as I suddenly come alive. At first everything is out of focus but I don't get the chance to see anything else, as Stiles smothers me in a uncomfortable hug. I wince at the pain in my side from where Peter stabbed me and Stiles pulls back as he realizes I'm still recovering. "Sorry Im just glad your ok." He says with complete caring in his voice. "Ok is a overstatement." I say sarcastically and he pulls me in for another hug. "That's the Lucy I know." He mutters into my shoulder, not seeming to want to let go anytime soon. We sit there like that, holding each other in our arms until I finally push away as the events of tonight finally come back to me. "You didn't keep your promise, you should have shot me!" I say and he sighs knowing this had to be brought up effectually. "I know and I'm sorry but when the time finally came, I looked into your eyes and I just couldn't." He panics and I'm surprised to see tears in his eyes. "Stiles that wasn't me out there in the woods, it was the wolf. " I warn but he just shakes his head. "Lucy when I looked at you, through those glowing green eyes I still saw sweet, laughable, caring you and I wasn't about to put a end to something that amazing." He says turning away as I sit there unable to think of one word to say. Is that really how Stiles sees me as a person, rather then the monster everyone knows I've truly become. "Stiles I almost bit you!" I finally say. "But you didn't and that's the important thing." He say, standing up but I refuse to give up on the conversation that easily. "The only thing that stopped me from biting you was Peter. If he hadn't been there I could've killed you or worse turned you." I shutter at the thought of Stiles cold, dead body laying on the ground of the forest or his eyes glowing a bright luminescent yellow as he went crazy under the full moons control. "Lucy the important thing is your safe now and what are the chances we'll ever have to face a situation like that again?" He says but we both know that in this town, anything could happen. This thought crosses my mind and I can't help crying as all the events of tonight finally catch up to me and for once I don't try to stop it, I just let the tears run down my face. Stiles walks back over to me and wipes the tears away but it's no use, more continue to come as if I'd been holding back everything for years and now I had finally broken down.

Stiles doesn't say anything because he knows it isn't going to be much help, so instead he leans in, brushing the hair out of my damp face and goes to kiss me. At first I start to pull away, hesitating but as I think about it I still don't know what feelings I truly have for Stiles yet and maybe it's time I figure it out. So I lean into but our lips only manage to brush each others before Derek, Scott and Isaac come walking into the room, looking surprised to see me more than awake. Stiles quickly pulls away from me, blushing as Scott only laughs. "Well I'm glad to see your awake Lucy." Derek says sarcastically. "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" He asks and I nod, stepping out into the hall. I shut the door before speaking not that it will do any good with Scott and Isaac standing in the other room. "What's up?" I ask, leaning against the wall for support. "Are you ok?" He asks but I can tell there's a bigger question on his mind. "You mean how am I copping with my new found status as a alpha. Well lets see, I almost bit Stiles and came pretty close to getting myself killed already, because of it." I say deciding not to tell Derek about seeing his sister, since I still have to figure out if that actually happened or not. "Lucy I know it's a lot to take in but I promise I can teach you how to control this, you just need to give me time." Derek reassures me. "And what if you can't Derek, are you just going to get Peter to kill me so you don't have to do it yourself?" I say referring to the earlier conversation he had with Peter. "So I'm guessing you overheard us taking about that but Lucy look Peter thinks anyone that poses as a threat to him should be killed, that's why my sisters dead. So don't worry." So I guess she really wasn't lying when she said her own uncle killed her. "But for once I think he might be right." I say even though I can still here Lucy in the back of my mind telling me not to throw my life away and that I can't just give up like that. "Just promise me until I can figure something out, you won't do anything stupid, that your going to regret?" He asks and I try to keep a genuine smile as I respond. "Fine I promise." He eyes me for a minute before nodding and walking back into the room, leaving me alone in the deserted hallway. I poke my head back into the room as the four guys turn to look at me. "I'm just going to go wash some of this dirt and blood off my face, I'll be right back." I say and Stiles quickly stands up. "I'll come with you." He says heading towards the door but I put my hand up to stop him. "If its ok I just want a moment alone." I say and Stiles nods, sitting back down in the office chair with a sad and some what curious look on his face. I feel bad lying to them again but I might not get the chance to be alone for a while after this. I find the back fire exit that leads to the familiar alley Stiles confronted me in only months ago, that was when he told me I was turning into a werewolf and I nearly laughed in his face just at the thought. Oh how the tables had turned in such a short period of time.

I rush home glad to find my moms still out cleaning up the mess from the fight earlier. I know I'll only have a few minutes before one of the guys clues in when they don't hear water running, that I'm gone. I run into my room and quickly start grabbing any clothes I can find, packing them into a small backpack I always keep hidden under my bed just in case of emergencies. I know I promised Derek I wouldn't do anything stupid but for once I'm not going to run away from my problems, I'm going to take them with me. If I leave I won't be endangering the people I care about anymore and they'll be free to live their life without me. Even Stiles will probably get over me effectually and in a few years no one will even remember who I am. I finish packing and zip the bag shut, then I walk into the dimly light kitchen and pull out a piece of paper. I know it's only right that I should write my mom a note telling her I've decided to leave for a little while and that I have to take the car because either way she's going to kill me for even touching her Porsche. After I'm done, I set it down on the counter and grab my backpack as I head towards the door. I take one last look at my house before locking the front door and moving on to a safer and better future beneficial for everyone as I watch the moon fade in behind the clouds. I think about how much I'm going to truly miss this town, and all though I don't want to admit it, the place has grown on me and deep down I know I don't want to leave but it's what's best for everyone if I'm out of the picture. With that one last thought, I climb into the Porsche and without looking back I turn on the ignition.

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