Chapter Nine

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"Oh you look beautiful my darling"

My dad said, staring at me lovingly as tears dropped from his eyes.

"Oh c'mon dad, it's just prom" i said as i cautiously walk down the stairs.

"Aww, let me take a look"

I chuckle as he spun me around, gasping as he took in every details of my dress. The dress was off-shouldered, it was fitted till waist length where it spread all around me. The back was bare, only held together by two straps that met in the middle. It was fitted perfectly and looked amazing.

"Yay, the limo is here" my dad said clapping his hand excitedly.

"Dad, i could swear you are more excited for this thing than i am" i picked up my purse and walked towards the door.

"Well, it's not everyday you see your baby girl dressed up, like where did all this time go" My dad said, dabbing his face with the   back of his hand.

"Dad, it's just prom" i said laughing as Eunice, Hugo and  Daniel walked through the door.
My dad bursted into tears on setting eyes on E, my friends and I laughed.

"He's been doing that the whole time" I said to E.

"Hi Mr. Sanders" Eunice said and ran up to him, pulling him into a hug.

"Hi Hugo"

"Hi Cee, you look beautiful" he said and we both started laughing as Eunice and my dad start crying,.

"Jesus guys, it's prommmm" I said exaggeratedly

I hear the door open and i turn to look at Daniel. He had a navy blue suit on that kind of brought out more color in his eyes, he had his hair pulled back, he looked stunning.

"You look amazing" He stuttered, looking at me like he just hit a million bucks.

He handed me a bouquet of flowers.

"Your favorite" he said

"lillies" i replied as i took them from him. i look up at him, tears brimming at my eyes,

"Thank you, you look wonderful too."

"This old thing" he said and everyone chuckled.

"Alright let's go" Eunice said

"Have fun kids" Dad said as he waved us goodbye. We drank fruit wine and listened to Hugo's mix tape on our way to the prom.

When we got there, Eunice and Hugo went in first as Daniel said he had something to tell me before we go in. We had decided to postpone the conversation about him going to college next month, we both chose to think about it and decide what's est for the both of us.

"I want this to work"

"I want it too"

"Let's work out Long distance & plan out weekends to meet up"

"Yes, we will and i could pick your college and start there too in the summer"

"Yes and we can remain there together"

"Yes, yes"

"Catherine, I love you"

My breath hitched in my throat as i was shocked he'd just said that.

"I love you"

Our lips touched as his hand went up my ear, curling my hair behind my ear. i raise my hand up &  pulled him closer by his collars, his hand went up my waist as the heat between us grew. A tap on the window interrupted our kiss, Eunice has a huge smile on her face, it's like she's blushing on my behalf.

"Can i talk to you?" Eunice says as we stepped out of the limo

"Danny, i'll meet you inside"

"okay" he walked away after pecking me on the cheek

"whats'up E?"

"Did you tell Bill you were coming to prom?"

"Oh my God,i forgot"

"Well, i think he knows. He's in there with Susan, he told me how angry he is at you. How he had to find out from someone else?"
she said as she shrugged.

"Oh my God"

"Hey, you forgot, you're here with who you want to be with, enjoy it"

"How can I?"

"You didn't intentionally do it, so just forget about it for tonight okay"


"Deep breaths" I heaved as she said that.

We walked in together to meet our dates.
The first thing we did was dance together, i had'nt seen Bill yet, so i just enjoyed myself.

"Hey" Daniel said

"Hey you" I say as i look up at him, still slowly moving to the song.

"I got you something"

He says as he holds my hand in his, he puts a silver bracelet with stones around it on my wrist.

"Dannyyyy" i say giving him my cutest face ever
"Thank you, i love you" i tell him

"i love you" he replied

"You came with him?" 

I look up to see Bill staring at us..

©️Aisha Adesuwa Akanbi

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