Good Morning Beautiful...

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The show must go on. im going to end the story in the next few chapters maybe because no one seems to care about my book anyways. Though I have 1.4 K readers so I guess that's AMAZING and I think 42 likes ALSO EVEN MIRE AMAZING. Thank you everyone who has read these actually! So like 2 percent like it lol. I'm writing to much aren't I? Anyways to the story....and if this any of my friends from school why you no comment :0

**Mackenzie's view** 

I wake up and turned to my side and expected Taylor, but he was not there. He's vanished.  Looking around me I see there were marks in the dirt where someone had drug their feet. Taylor! Omg Master must have him, I got up and ran into the house as fast I could. I saw muddy foot prints going upstairs. There was no noise, so I quietly ran to Master's room. Taylor laying on master's bed and he was kicking as master pines his hands around Taylor's neck. Taylor and I made eye contact and I knew he wanted me to go and not watch it. 

So  I ran down to the basement and I waited. I hated myself for not doing any but I knew I would just make it worse. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi.....

**Taylor's view** as I fell asleep with my love I was woken. Mackenzie and I were asleep and soon we would have awoke. Master dragged me inside and forced me up stairs. I tried to fight and cry but then I just gave in 

(Chris ) "for Mackenzie"

 His laughter still rung in my ears. He got us to his room and threw me on the floor and shut his door. I fell into a pile of beer bottles, the glass cutting into my rough skin on my hands and underarms. Slowly he drank all of his beer and smoked some pot then just sat there, man he shot like a firework. He picked me up and threw me on his bed with inhuman strength then proceeded in kissing me and touching me, he pulled his clothing off  and then he and I were both thin sheets away in boxers. He was grabbing me at my neck and I tried to flee but his grip tightened so I kicked and pushed nothing seem to work. I tried screaming, punching and kicking him, and all I got was him even madder. Mackenzie came in and he looked at me in horror and tried  to help but some how I got him to stop. After Mackenzie left master stripped and pulled my boxers off flipped  me over and I knew what was next. Just I didn't know how powerful he was. His last clear words before the shear pain was

(Chris) " I always wanted to fuck the sense out of a virgin."

I laughed at that 'I'm not a virgin' I say to myself. 

**skipping extreme details sorry pg....imagine what your dirty minds want. I'm not read to write like that yet :( ** 

**Mackenzie's view** I heard the bed springs creak and the bed shift. Master must really be into it. The bed was slamming against the wall making an awful banging noise.

(Taylor screaming frantically) " Help me. Get out of  me. HELP me Mackenzie, Mackenzie...macken.....hhhheeeeelllllpppppp "

(Chris screams back) " Your mine and you won't walk straight for months after this."

1 Mississippi I lost count after he cried for me to save him, he and I both knew there's nothing I can seem hours till the screaming stopped and then the mattress and bed seem to get louder more violent. I could only imagine the pain he was in as he endured that. It had to be hours after that till the mattress and bed stopped.  I heard master laughing, a door slam and then another, a car started and pulled out of the drive way. I ran up stairs to Master's room not once did  I hesitate, I opened the door and Taylor laid there in his boxers tied up and limp. No not limp, he was lifeless looking tied and beaten. His body was different shades of blue and purples. He even had a hand print on his shoulder from Chris's grip. He had blood in his hir and the room and him reeked of smoke, alcohol and sex.  

(Mackenzie) "TAYLOR.....TAYLOR.......TAYLOR.....wake up. Please I love you, I'm sorry okay I'm sorry just wake up, I'll save you."

I sat over him holding his lifeless body, this can't be happening I love you. You were my responsibility and I let you get hurt, why couldn't you just of stayed away from me.

My last thought were....

What am I going to tell his mother




Hope you all liked this chapter and there is another few chapters after this one....hope you like. Follow me, vote, comment, and be awesome. Mkay LOVE you ALL. Even the wierd in the back, lol.

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