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**authors note** this is just another chapter I fixed up and added detail. Not all my updates will be this fast but I'm in a good mood today so I wanted to share more. STAY AWESOME my people.**

My name is Mackenzie I'm a slave to my dad. I'm not aloud to call him dad anymore but now it has to be master or sir. Ever since my beautiful mom and baby sister Allie died my dad had quite his job. He comes home late and is known for getting drunk all the time. He really isn't that bad of a person but he's grieving and it's taking him longer I tell myself, he doesn't mean to hurt me. To be honest he is sometimes more pleasant when he's drunk because he cant see straight to find me or to remember me. I go to school still because I told my master that I need the education or I won't be able to graduate an get a job to pay the bills. Though my master says this maybe my last year so I can care for him more, maybe. I love school because for a few hours a day I get a big lunch and I am safe, I hate the work though. I said I'm safe at school, ha....I thought I was. This year I was aloud to go to school again and join the football team for the first time. I like football it gives me more time away from him and I get to be a part of something important. My body is so bruised from master though that if you touch me, I cringe in pain. I try to hide the pain that I'm in but sometimes it's just to hard that I let my emotions slip. I stay in football for one reason, okay two, one of the reasons was so I have a excuse for my bruises and staying away from my master, most of the bruises have a excuse, its hard but I stay hoping. I also met this guy he was so nice, kind and hot(what did I say that), he would always help me and would tell me how good I was even though we all knew I didn't put my heart into it. I slowly fell madly in love with this guy, that it was hard not to think about him..oh ya surprise I'm gay. And the second reason so I could be with him. (Short side track story)**so I was in the 5th grade when I knew for sure I was not "straight" and so I told my mom tears rushing down my face, like Niagara Falls, and she said

"Mackenzie it's okay, I love you even more now".

Well let me tell this, I had no idea how this women, my mother could love me more then she did already but I was even happier an didn't care. So when I finally told my dad I totally knew I was Gay, let's just say he slapped me in the face then shouted at me for a while then didn't ever speak of it again. I felt so hurt that he slapped me, he had left a hand print bruise on my face but I never told him. That was the first time he harmed me.( back to the story)**Taylor is a 18 year old sexy football player. Sadly this is his last year of school and then he'll move away without ever getting to really know me. Taylor has lighter skin then me a olive skin color and short brown hair with two blue eyes like my mom's. He has the most beautiful straight smile in the world, not like my moms but still beautiful, with a athletic body. He was the first person to be nice to me and take me under their wing. See proof that he is an angel/ sexy god.

**Authors note** obviously I suck at long chapters :( I'm trying but failing. Hopefully you'll leave comments to tell me what u think. Love you bye :3

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