Chapter 5

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A/n: Finally! Some action! Personally, I like the slice of life parts of sports anime rather than the actual sports scenes, am I weird for being like that?


The week passed far too slowly for Akira's liking. Saturday finally arrived, and it was a beautiful day. Akira was up early as usual; he often helped his aunty (who was pretty much his mother at this stage) cook breakfast and pack all their bento boxes. Kei came down a little while later, blinking sleepily.

"Who has volleyball matches this early on a Saturday morning?", he grumbled. Akira smiled; Kei was not a morning person.

They met with Yamaguchi at the corner of their street and walked to the school together. Outside the volleyball gym, the blueberry and the tangerine seemed to be giving each other a pep talk.

"Morning, 'king'", Tsukishima called out in a mocking tone.

Nobody said anything as they all just glared at each other like anime rivals. Akira fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Come on you lot! The sooner we get this started the sooner we can finish, and I've got a ton of homework to do."

Everybody suddenly froze in panic as they remembered that they too had homework, these Karasuno teachers sure were stingy.

***mini time-skip***

"Alright, let's get started", Daichi announced, getting everyone's attention, "To even things out a bit, I'll be Akira's substitute if Tanaka starts getting out of hand".

"What? You Captain?!", Shrimpy (Akira still didn't know his real name) exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Akira will be playing most of the time, and Tanaka's a better attacker than me", he assured the tiny ginger.

Tsukishima had a smirk on his face, "Um", he cleared his throat, "The little one or Tanaka-san, which one should I crush... I mean, block first?" This caused a tiny tangerine and a wild Tanaka to freeze in rage.

"Oh, yes. And I'd also like to see the 'king' lose too", Tsukishima continued snarking.

"Uh! Tsukki, watch it, they can hear you", Yamaguchi whisper-yelled, concerned.

"That's kind of the point", Tsukishima deadpanned, "I sure hope they lose their cool".

"Tsukishima, you've got character problems", Daichi said in what seemed like half exasperation and half resignation. Tsukishima however, ignored him.

"Our special feature is the 'king', whose been abandoned by his underlings"

"Hey, hey!?", Tanaka cried with false cheerfulness, "Did you hear that? My, the things he says!", he said, acting like a teenage girl.

"Oh, that Tsukishima-kun, I'm going to reeeallly......", he suddenly gave a dark, scary aura, "Crush him to a pulp!"

Tangerine poked his tongue out at them. Akira sweat-dropped.

'What are they, five?!'

***mini time-skip***

(Author's note: OK, I'll be the first to admit that I know nothing about volleyball except what I see on Haikyuu. Descriptions of the games are going to be brief at best and non-existent at worst.)

"Hiiiiyaaaahhh!!!", the whistle blew, and Tanaka immediately spiked the ball before anyone else could react. He took his shirt off and began swinging it around while screaming.

'Caveman', Akira insulted internally while deadpanning.

Tsukishima blocked Shrimpy, which Akira learned his name was actually Hinata ('still calling him tangerine', he thought).

This caused tangerine to lose some of his confidence, however, their other teammates seemed to overwhelmingly support their side more than they did Akira, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima's.

'Thanks Kei for making them hate us', Akira thought bitterly.

Tsukishima just couldn't keep his mouth shut, always jumping at every opportunity to insult someone. Which caused the others to look at them judgingly. Yamaguchi started to lose confidence after several failed serves.

"Don't mind, Yamaguchi", Akira tried to cheer him up.

Akira managed to receive Kageyama's serve, putting the blueberry setter off a little bit.

"Nice receive, Akira", Daichi praised.

Yamaguchi managed to score, and Akira couldn't help but gloat a little.

"Did you really think that you'd get an easy score, come on man, I may not be outstanding... but I'm more reliable than that".

Tsukishima took this as an opportunity to sneer at the other team some more.

"Oi! What's your Problem? You haven't stopped getting in our faces since the other day!?" Hinata grouched at him, "What's this "king's" toss?".

"Don't you know why they call him 'king'?", Tsukishima smirked at the smaller boy.

"He's called that because he's so good, and other schools are intimidated by him, isn't that right!?"

Tsukishima laughed mockingly, "I'm sure there are others who think that, but your wrong. His nickname "king of the court", was given to him by the other players at Kitagawa Daiichi. By his own teammates. What it means is... he's an egotistical king. The oppressive dictator. I heard rumours, but I was convinced when I saw that match. He got too oppressive and had to sit out on the bench. That's why you don't use your quick sets anymore, you're afraid everyone will leave you again." He taunted, directing the last part at Kageyama.

"Oh?", Hinata gasped. Kageyama, meanwhile, looked lost in a bad memory. He started shaking. Akira felt sorry for him, and decided enough was enough.

"Oi! You're going too far, Kei", Tsukishima turned to see Akira scowling disappointedly at him. He suddenly felt guilty. Not for the insults, but the fact that he'd disappointed his little cousin gnawed away at Kei.

"Akira", Daichi said gently, and shook his head at Akira. Letting him know that it wasn't his place to defend Kageyama.

"You're right", came a soft but firm reply, Kageyama finally looked up, "The fact that I made a toss, and no one was there...... It's truly frightening".

"But... that was back in middle school, right?", Hinata spoke up, "You toss to me just fine. It makes no difference to me. The real problem is how I'm going to get past you!" he shouted, pointing at Tsukishima, causing all the others to laugh. Hinata marched up to Kageyama and pointed behind him.

"We'll win against Tsukishima and become official club members, and you will bravely play setter, and you'll toss to me! What else is there!?"

In that moment, a change came in Kageyama, and the game took a turn.

'They're going to thrash our asses', Akira sweat-dropped. And that's exactly what happened.

After being beaten, Akira held out his hand to the tiny tangerine,

"Good game Shrimpy, you too Blueberry"



'Teehee, these two are so fun to mess with'

Hinata tried to shake hands with Tsukishima and ended up jumping around him trying to catch his hand, he got him in the end though.

"Are you alright, Tsukki!?" Yamaguchi cried, thoroughly concerned now.

Akira was rolling on the floor laughing his ass off.


Author's notes: I was too lazy to write the last bits and it would have made the chapter too long anyway. Go watch Haikyuu, Akira pretty much takes Daichi's place in this match.

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