Chapter 9

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"H-HUGE!", Hinata voiced what they were all thinking. The gymnasium at Aoba Johsai was an enormous, state of the art facility, with more than one court to practice on. The team was huge as well, Akira wondered how many of them actually played in official games. He felt sorry for those kids that never got to play, that was an issue close to his heart, but Akira just shook the somber thoughts away and focused his mind on the now. The two teams greeted each other.

"Aoba Johsai is known for each of it's members being highly skilled equally in offence and defence", Daichi informed them, "These guys could go to any school and become the ace".

"Their blocks are famous for being powerful", Suga added.

"What's the matter with you two? Hinata's here to throw them a loop. Right!?" Tanaka spoke loudly, elbowing Hinata at the last part. The poor little ginger was shaking in fear and looked like he was going to be sick again.

"We know you're lousy so we'll cover you. Leave it to us!" Tanaka assured jokingly, "But when you hit a serve you're on your own, so you better not miss." Everyone sweat-dropped, Tanaka was completely oblivious to the distress he was causing.

And with that, Hinata had to race off to the bathroom again.

"Just Kidding, just Kidding! A missed serve is no big deal. You don't have to worry about a......" he trailed off as he realized Hinata wasn't there anymore, "Where did Hinata go!?" he shouted, confused. Everyone deadpanned at him.

"He went to the bathroom", Yamaguchi, being the nice guy that he was, answered.


***time skip***

(A/n: Again, descriptions of the games are going to be minimal at best)

The whistle blew and the two teams lined up at the opposite ends of the court.

"We will now begin the practice match of Karasuno high school verses Aoba Johsai high school"

'Kami, did they have to say that like they were getting married or something?!' Akira looked annoyed.

"Let's play" everyone chorused. Akira took his seat between Yamaguchi and Suga on the bench. He noticed Hinata looked like death had just brushed over.

The whistle blew to stat the game, it was Aoba Johsai's serve. Daichi looked ready to receive the ball when Hinata came out of nowhere and cut in in front of him.

"BAKA!", Akira heard Kageyama shout at the terrified little tangerine, "that obviously wasn't your ball!"

"Aaaaaaaa, SUMIMASEN!"

'This isn't going to well', Akira sweat-dropped.

Ennoshita managed to save the ball, Tanaka spiked but was blocked. Hinata looked worse than ever.

What followed was a series of blunders and clumsy mistakes from the terrified tiny tangerine. Then the worst happened....... ......

It was Hinata's turn to serve.

'He looks sick', Akira observed.

Hinata served the ball... hard... into the back of Kageyama's head!!!

'Rest in Peace, Shrimpy. I'll leave offerings at your grave', Akira prayed for Hinata's soul.

Flames erupted out of nowhere around Kageyama, who turned around slowly with a terrifying look on his face that made everyone shiver. Hinata looked dead.

Suddenly Akira fell off the bench laughing his asse off. Tanaka and Tsukishima erupted into laughter.

"Hay! Nice headshot Man!"

"Is your head ok!?"

"Oi! Don't razz him!" Suga tried to tell the two boys off. Meanwhile, Yamaguchi was trying to determine whether or not Akira was breathing at all!

Kageyama turned, and started walking towards the petrified shrimp slowly.

"W-w-w-WAIT!!!!" Hinata screamed as he tried to escape his fate "CAN'T WE JUST TALK ABOUT THIS!? I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!!!" the tiny ginger hyperventilated.

Kageyama stopped inches away from the smaller boy.

"Just wondering"


Akira gulped, he felt like he was about to witness a murder.

"Why are you so Intimidated? Why are you so nervous? Is it because the opponents are tall? Is it because this is your first practice match?" Kageyama asked, leaning over the tangerine, causing him to lean backwards.

"There's nothing scarier than hitting a serve into the back of my head......" Kageyama's face had the promise of a painful death written all over it as he smacked the back of his head with his hand, "Is there?"

Hinata looked soullessly up at the taller boy,

"I can't think of anything"

"In that case you have no reason to be nervous anymore... do you?" Kageyama continued with murder in his eyes, "Because you've already done it... the scariest thing possible. So now......" he pointed a finger at the dead-eyed boy, "GET BACK TO NORMAL YOU JACKASS!!!!!"

Akira couldn't believe it! Did Hinata just... get away with it!

"Hey you. Hinata", Tanaka came up to the tangerine, who immediately tensed and bowed to his Senpai.


"Hai", Hinata dropped to his knees.

"Are you thinking you have to play well like the others? As if you have any experience?"

"I-if I don't, I'll get switched with another player. I want to be in the match until the end"

"Oi... Don't underestimate us. We all know you're a lousy player!"

Hinata squeaked as he got stabbed by an invisible arrow.

"Daichi-san knows it, and yet he lets you play. As for getting switched out for another player.... uh?" Tanaka was trying to think of what to say next, "Think about it when you get switched!" he finally came up with. Akira dead-panned.

"So don't worry about soothing that hasn't happened yet! You don't have any brains for that!"

"Haaaaaaahhh?!", the tiny tangerine protested.

"Listen to me! In volleyball, everybody on this side of the net is your ally. It doesn't matter if your lousy or a nuisance! You can slow us down. But to make up for those things... That's why you your team and your senpais!"

"Oooooohhh!!!!!!" The little ginger cried out in admiration.

"Now go on, call me Tanaka-senpai!"

Akira sweat-dropped.

'He just wants to be called Senpai hah?' he thought, 'Still, his speech seems to have done the trick'.

Akira grinned, with Hinata's head back in the game, it would be an interesting to watch. He grabbed a packet of popcorn out of nowhere, "Want some Yama-chan?".


Author's notes: Ok, I have some bad news for people who actually read this. I'm going to put this story on hold until I can sort a few things out, like how I'm going to integrate Akira into the team a bit more. 

I think Haikyuu is one of those anime's where its really hard to insert an Oc because they're a team that work really well together already, and to add an extra person is difficult because all the spots are pretty much taken and the people in them are very competent. 

Also, Akira's character needs a little bit more development. I might even rewrite some chapters to include him a little more.

Once again I'm really sorry to the people who read this story.

Stay safe out there. Love you all.

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