Chapter 6

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They received their jackets. Kageyama was no.9, Hinata no.10. Tsukishima got no.11, Yamaguchi 12 and Akira got his lucky number... 13! He couldn't help but grin as he put his new jacket on.

"Come on, put it on!", Suga pestered Tsukishima.

"No thanks, I'll try it on later"

"What! Are you shy or something!? Come on, just out it on!" Tanaka crowed.

"Wear it, wear it, wear it, wear it, wear it!", everyone joined in, except Akira, who was trying not to pee himself while laughing.

'He looks like a tortoise!', Akira giggled to himself.

Soon all the fist years were lined up next to each other while their senpai's admired them.

"Well there's only one thing left to do now", Daichi smiled at them, "Ok, everybody... 1, 2..."

"Welcome to the Team!", the second and third years chorused.

"Thanks!", came the simple reply.

***Mini time-skip***

Tanaka was showing Hinata how to pose coolly with his new jacket, Kageyama and Yamaguchi were also trying to copy them but looked rather awkward.

'Cute!', Akira's treacherous brain betrayed him.

"It's decided! It's decided!", somebody called loudly.

Suddenly, the gym's door flew open and a short, dark-haired man lant on the doorframe panting.

"The practice match. It's against one of the top four teams in the prefecture! Aoba Johsai High School!", he held out a piece of paper, which Akira assumed had all the details on it.

"The one nicknamed Seijoh!?", Suga asked.

"Yikes", Tsukishima grimaced.

"No way!" cried Yamaguchi.

"A practice match with one of the TOP FOUR!!!", a tiny tangerine exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

Kageyama however, had a scowl on his face (or he scowled more than usual anyway),

"Aoba Johsai......".

"Oh! So you two are the controversial Hinata-kun and Kageyama-kun I've heard of" the man continued, waking over to great them.

"Who's he? A teacher?", Hinata whispered to Kageyama. Akira was standing next to them, so he could hear them muttering to each other.

"No idea", Kageyama answered.

"I'm the volleyball club adviser, starting this year. My name is Takeda Ittetsu. I have no volleyball experience, so I can't help you with your techniques, but for everything else I'll do my best!"

"OK!", the fruity first year duo chorused.

"Sensei!?", Daichi came up with a shocked expression on his face.

"Ahhh...... I've been running around everywhere setting up the practice match, so I haven't had time to drop in here", Takeda-sensei smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't do that Sensei, you'll go bald!", Akira could help mess with the small, dark-haired man.

"Haaaaahhhh!?", Takeda-sensei cried, looking very worried. Akira snickered, even as Dadchi went and smacked him over the head for his behaviour.

"But Sensei! How did you get a powerhouse school like Seijoh to agree?!", Suga exclaimed.

"You didn't get on your knees and beg again, did you?" Daichi added, still wearing a bewildered expression.

"No, no! Although I'm good at getting on my knees and begging, I didn't do that this time".

The two third years sighed in relief and visibly exhaled.

"But they had a condition"

"A condition?", Daichi asked.

"Kageyama-kun must play setter for the entire game", Takeda-sensei finished. This caused both Kageyama and Suga to tense.

"Oi! What's this about!? Sounds like they're not interested in Karasuno. They just want to assess Kageyama! Are they underestimating us?", Tanaka complained loudly while getting into Takeda-sensei's personal space.

"Ah... Well, it's not quite like that", Takeda-sensei said quickly.

"Sounds good", Suga interrupted, defusing the situation, "We don't get chances like this often".

"Wait! You're just going to agree to that! You're the official setter of Karasuno, Suga-san!?" Tanaka shouted.

"I... I want to see how effective Hinata and Kageyama's attack will be against a top four team", Suga looked resolute. Akira looked at the older boy, wondering if that is how he truly felt or if he was actually secretly berating himself for not being good enough or something?

Suga nodded encouragingly to Daichi, who just assumed his friend was ok.

"Sensei, may we have the details?" Daichi asked.

"Sure. Urm...... the schedule is rather sudden, but it's set for Tuesday next week..."

Akira tuned out as Takeda-sensei read out all the details, trusting that Kei or at least Yamaguchi was listening and would fill him in on the details later. He was tired, he wanted to go home but he also knew he had so much homework to do, damnit!


Author's notes: I realize that so far this story has just been Haikyuu with the occasional comment from Akira, this will change!!! Akira will play a pivotal role in the events to come, but like I said before, this isn't a slowburn for nothing.

Stay safe, be patient 

(HIATUS) Oh Great, Another Saltyshima (Haikyuu x Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now