Chapter 3: Blue Was Very Red
A few weeks had passed since Blue found her sisters, and life was good. She was thriving, and life was better than ever. Of course, Owen wasn't present, unfortunately, because she missed him a lot. You might even say he was her parental figure. Regardless, she still missed him, and life wouldn't be perfect without him. She was strolling through the ruins of the park, when she stumbled across a particularly interesting in closure. Something on it's walls caught her eye. It was a picture. She looked at it, and it seemed familiar. Then it hit her.
Blue POV: "The thing in the picture looks like my sisters! It looks like me! But, why is it here?"
Narrator POV: She heard some rustling in the bushes. She whipped around, unsure what it was. She ran deep into the forest in the paddock. The rustling went deeper and deeper. She found a stream and drank from it, letting her guard down. The bushes moved again.
Blue POV: "Alright, whoever's out there, come on out! I'm not a threat, I'm just passing through, and I'm sorry if this is your territory."
Narrator POV: The leaves moved some more. Then, she saw two yellow eyes in the darkness of the bushes. Then, a green raptor came walking out of the bushes. The most notable thing about the velociraptor was how calm he was, as if another raptor hadn't just chased him. Blue was surprised to see another raptor. She thought herself and her siblings were the only raptors. "Who are you?" Asked the mysterious green raptor. "I'm Blue." She replied. "I'm sorry if I was trespassing. What's your name?" "My name's Green." He said. "Oh, and it's okay, you weren't doing anything wrong." "Umm, where's your pack, shouldn't they be with you?" Asked Blue. "They're dead. At least, I think they are." Green replied. "All I know is that they're gone, and I can't find them. The last thing I remember is that we were in our cage, and then suddenly, giant red flying things came from the sky. The rest of my pack fought them, or ran away. I think I was pecked on the side of my head by one, cause I started seeing red. Then, one of my pack members slashed it from behind, and it chased after her. Then, I think I blacked out, and I woke up here. I've been living here for the past few days. I usually just kill things, and bring them back here to eat." Blue stared in disbelief. His pack was dead. She felt sympathy for him, as she had gone through the same thing. The only difference being that she found out her pack was alive days later. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know how it feels." She said. The green raptor smiled. "Thanks." He said. Then, he started tearing up in his eyes, and drops of water ran down his face. Blue opened her arms, in case he wanted a hug. She wasn't expecting him to run into her arms super fast. He clutched to her, and he had a tight grip. Blue blushed. Suddenly, she felt water run down her back. Then, she got an idea. "Hey." She said. "Would you like to join my pack?" Green's eyes opened wide. "You want me to become part of your pack?" His eyes met hers. She could see a vague smile on his face, and tears in his eyes. "So, is that a yes, or a no?" She said, with a little giggle. All Green could do was nod his head. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He hugged her again, a little less tight this time. He then whispered a little, "Thank you.", in her ear. She smiled. Then, she blushed. Green pecked her on the cheek. She giggled like a child. "Come on then." She said with a dumb smile on her face. Green followed, smirking at her stupid but adorable expression.
5 minutes into their trek, something was watching them. Something with very bad intentions. "I'll destroy them both, once the opportunity comes. Soon, Blue will wish she never betrayed me. She'll wish she never betrayed the Indominus Rex."
(Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus. I was having a bit of writer's block. I'll have the next chapter ready soon. It will involve a certain antagonist. Who may or may not be a dinosaur. You'll see.)
P.S. thanks for reading.

Jurassic World: 65 Million Years In The Making
FanfictionAn AU where a few things changed or happened differently in the Jurassic Park/World universe. But, not everything changed, and there are still a few familiar events... (For example: The Indominus lives, Blue meets a mate, and a few slight changes to...