Chapter 7: (In)Formal Meeting

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  Octavio set two cups down on the portable tea table, settling with them. Two places were set up opposite each other. A kettle sat to the left on an electric burner, humming softly. There was a small tray with a few mini-sandwiches, filled with meat and crunchy vegetables. A wooden box, branded with a wood-burned seal containing his favorite tea sweets was on his right.

 Everything was set up as just he wanted. Rightfully so, as it wasn't every day he ate outside. The night prior, he had approached some servants to request an outdoor tea set-up:

  Octavio had practiced the conversation beforehand, rehearsing so he'd know what to say in case someone was suspicious. He sought out the maid in charge of bringing his meals throughout the day. She stood with her back facing him,


 The maid whipped around at attention as if she had been startled out of her thoughts. Her apron stood just about as stiffly as she did.

 "I'd like to have my tea out in the garden tomorrow."

 "Of course, Prince Octavio." She said near immediately. She tipped her head respectfully and went to her task. She stacked some recently used plates on top of each other. Octavio was still standing, unsure if he should continue.

 "An- And... I need 2 cups... Just in case the other gets dirty, you know?" He quickly added.

 The maid seemed a bit confused at his request, but shook it off all the same.

 "No problem, sire."

 Octavio gulped. He raised his voice, half barking.

 "...And make sure no one comes out there too, alright!?"

 As soon as the words left his lips, Octavio immediately snapped his beak shut. Some of the accompanying servants perked their heads up at his sudden outburst, sharing questioning looks with each other. The maid stood for half a second, before nodding.

 "...Sure, Prince Octavio."

 Octavio turned on his heel to depart the dining room as fast as possible. Why had he said that? He had made himself sound so suspicious!

 As he left, he could hear two younger maids whispering among themselves, making his peculiar behavior their evening gossip:

"The prince sure is... odd, don't you think?

"Shh, he'll hear you!"


 Awkward interactions aside, he couldn't dwell on them for too long. Craig would definitely be here soon, and then they would have to talk. If Craig wanted to take him out, they had to negotiate professionally first, right? Meaning, there's no way he could just.... go... could he?

 No, they had to talk over tea first. That's how all business negotiations go.

 Uncapping the glass container of matcha, he took the straw bamboo whisk to break up the fine powder. He couldn't be bothered to follow all the directions for preparing the tea. It would be fine if he just skipped a couple of small steps, right? Whisk whisk, whisk whisk. Already, he was getting tired of- Hey, wait, this beat goes kind of hard...!?


 The aspiring DJ dropped the whisk in surprise and shot up. Craig's arrival may have interrupted the discovery of a new beat, but oh well, maybe next time. For now, he had to put on his best business-like persona.

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