The Intruder

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"And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, Kikimora!" I zoom my camera out to show Kikimora's headpiece being sucked into the vacuum cleaner Lilith stole for her.

"Facing her natural enemy, the vacuum cleaner!" Kikimora grunts as she tries to get her headpiece back but it doesn't work. I hear her mutter under her breath but I can't quite make it out. I turn off the recording and shove my phone into my pocket.

"So why'd you call me here again?" Kikimora grunts as she pulls herself up onto a table.

"Oh yeah. Human Hunter, you've been so obsessed with witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself for..." she rips off a curtain to reveal a corkboard of photos of various demons. She grabs a hat and spins the cord on top of it, "Demons 101. Demons like me are tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone."

"And cute little claws," she groans and throws her face into her hands.

"And cute little claws. True, We live only to create chaos and misery. Our only weaknesses are purified water and passive-aggressive comments. Sometimes," I push myself up off the ground and walk over to Kikimora. She turns around to tear off one of the pictures on the corkboard. The new picture shows a snarling demon.

"Oh, you guys are sensitive," I picked her up and spin her around.

"Even demons have inner demons," she quickly moves on to saying something else, "The most powerful demon of all is the Snaggleback. He's a-" but before she can finish what she's saying Lilith bursts through the door shouting.

"It's the boiling rain!" She tries to slam the door shut but instead trips and stumbles onto the

floor. She kicks the textbook she tripped on out of the way before pulling herself up.

"Phew! That was close. But the important thing is none of you got hurt."

Now I and Kikimora are both sitting on the porch of The Raven House as Lilith fixes our defenses. Kikimora starts putting a bandage on my arm where I burned it-I now know to never step outside when it's raining. Then she takes another bandage and places it right above her nose, "Look now we're boo-boo buddies," I laugh at how adorable she's being before nodding my head.

"Sure. We're boo-boo buddies," I extend out my fist for her to bump it and she begrudgingly obliges. I look over to Lilith and watch her cast a spell under the cover of a force field. I lean back onto the wall and sigh.

"A boiling rainstorm on the Boiling Isles. Your weather here is so creative," Lilith shakes her head in laughter.

"Yeah, we don't have weather here. We have plagues, gorenados, shale hail, painbows-" Kikimora cuts her off.

"It's like a rainbow but looking at it turns your insides out," I pull the drawstrings of my hoodie closed as I lean against the wall.

"So until, the Boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight,"

"And if the rain doesn't get you, the Snaggleback will," Kikimora takes out her book and shows me images of the Snaggleback, "They wander the rain, feeding on boiled tourists," Kikimora chuckles to no surprise. But Lilith just shakes her head clearly annoyed by Kikimora's neverending 'lessons.'

"Well, whatever the case, this force field spell should protect the house from boiling rains and made-up demons," she especially enunciates the last part.

"Hoot! Well, hurry it up with that force field. That rain is getting closer to my precious stucco," I jumped up not realizing Hooty was there the whole time. I stumble back a little and almost fall into the boiling rain but luckily Lilith saves me. But she looks extremely tired. And I can almost see the eyebags under her eyes. She yawns and stretches her arms out.

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