Chapter 2

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Why does my head hurt so much? Why am I cold? I can't open my eyes. I'm so tired.

"Hey kiddo wakey wakey eggs and bakey!"

Wait a second, I know that voice. I managed to peel my eyes open a bit to see a familiar face.

"Auntie Kenna?" Dad's younger sister was crouched by my head smiling softly at me.

"The one and only kiddo!" Her smile got wider as she threw up a peace sign. I noticed sirens in the distance as she whipped her head around to look at the flashing blue lights approaching.

"Alright kid, I know you're probably confused right now but I need to come with me okay?"she turned back around to look at me. Her face looked so sad. Why was she sad? Why can't I think straight?

I groaned in pain, I could hardly keep my eyes open. "Why does my head hurt so bad?"

"Well you took a hell of a hit kid. I'm surprised your head is the only thing that hurts. Can you stand?" She took my hand and guided me to sit up. It was then I noticed we were in the woods by my house. I turned to look at my home only find there was nothing there but ashes.

Everything came flooding back all at once.

My parents were dead. I watched them die. I couldn't do anything but watch.

Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. I felt auntie wrap her arms around me.
Wait, why is auntie here? She only visits on holidays.

"Why are you here?" I was scared of her answer. My dad adored his younger sister. She couldn't have anything to do with their death could she? No. Family was everything to my father, she would never betray us.

"I promise I'll tell you everything Izu, but we've got to go now. I swore to Hisashi I'd protect you with my life and if I'm gonna keep that promise we need to scram." She had a sense of urgency in her voice that I couldn't ignore.

With her help I stood and we walked through the woods. I could hardly see where I was going through the tears. I tried to stop crying but I just couldn't. She looked down at me and sighed.

"Get on my back and I'll carry you." She crouched down and motioned for me to get on. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hopped up as she wrapped her hands under my knees.

"It's gonna be okay Izu. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I know it's a lot right now but we'll get to a safe place soon. Just have some faith in me. Alright?" She turned her head to the side so I could see her. She squeezed my legs to try and give me some sort of comfort.

"I know auntie. I trust you. I just don't know what to do." I held her neck tighter. "I guess you're the only family I've got left." I closed my eyes since I couldn't see through the tears anyway. I listened to the leaves crunch under her feet as she walked. I concentrated on her pulse.

We continued to walk for what seemed like hours. I was too lost in grief to pay attention to where we were going. I knew she had to be tired from carrying me but she wasn't showing any signs of fatigue. It's strange, I know I'm only seven but that's still a lot of extra weight.

"Are we almost there? I can walk if you want." I rubbed the left over tears out of my eyes and sniffled.

"Nah, don't worry about it kid. We're almost there just a bit further to the road." True to her word a few minutes later her familiar car came into view.

I was always so excited to see her car pull into the driveway on holidays. Auntie Kenna was by far my favorite aunt but I would never say that to Misuki's face.

She crouched down so I could get off and then open the door for me. "Hop in and we'll head to my house." I climbed onto the smooth leather seat and leaned back. My head was still pounding but it was the least of my worries right now.

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