Chapter 2

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I was shocked after hearing that when he said I was finding a job I said "Yes I am finding a job" after I said that he hands me a mail that says JYP I was confused many questions runs through my head and ask "what is this? And who are you?" He said "it is a invitation so you can have a job if you are interested in the mail then open it" he said after that I open the mail and it was and address?? Of a building a huge building that says JYP after examining the letter I was about to ask again but he was gone and then again so many questions runs to my mind

After that I decided to went home and thinking if I should go there 'I mean I need a job and money and also... love...'my thoughts were interrupted again by the strong thunder it was loud I close all my windows after that I hear someone knocking I look at the hole I saw.

A Box?? I open the door and heard a whimpering sound I took the box insides and open it.

It was a cute Pomeranian dog (if u guys do not know what Pomeranian dog is its on the top of the pic) it was shaking rapidly and was whimpering non stop I run to grab a towel, bowl, and water I dried him using a towel

I look at his name tag saying "Bryan" "So Bryan is your name huh what a cute name for a dog like you" after wiping him I pour some water he immediately run to it and drink it like

there no tomorrow "poor you" I said I pat his head he look at me licked my face multiple time I can't stop but giggle by Bryan's cuteness after that I was getting sleepy and so as Bryan I carried him to my room and we sleep together.



Y/N turn off the alarm and well Bryan.. he's still sleeping Y/N got up and tooth brush then took a bath again after that he/she took the mail "Alright fine I'll go there" after Y/N ate his/her breakfast Y/N go outside and took her/his motorcycle and goes to the address were the mail write in it.

*1 hour later*
After the long ass drive of Y/N he finally got into the building it was huge like the one in the photo 'Wow this is big' Y/N thought after that he/she got inside many people look at him/her

"Damn is he/she new?"

"Is she/he an Idol?"

"She's/He's sooo CUTEE!!!"

After Y/N Heard that he/she was blushing a mess then Y/N ask the receptionist where is the room he need to go the receptionist was shocked but smile afterward the receptionist said "its on third floor sir/mam" Y/N smiled and thanked her after Y/N got in the 3rd floor he/she knocked them someone said "Come in please"

*To Be continue...*

Annnnddd thats another chapter pls share and like this book and vote me!!:)))

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