Chapter 27

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"There ain't nothing else that I would hold on to I hear his voice through all the noise Don't let go of my hand for one second"


After the debut stage of the girls they actually won after that we got home I told the girls to rest and Call me if they need me

They ask will I be going I said I'll be hanging out my friend Lee know from straykids

The girls were schocked especially Jinsoul but they shrugged it off and said "Okay have fun Y/N"

I was waiting for Lee know in their dorm as I was talking to Felix on how their life went as an Idol

I heard the door open I look to see Lee know with a mask and a hat on well of course he need to wear that so he couldn't be surrounded by his fans


We were at a carinival Fair with lots of rides and some food trucks

"Lets go there" Lee know and pointed to the huge roller coaster "Are you sure?" I ask because I onow before hes afraid of heights "Hell yeah dude Come on!!" He grab my hand and dragged me

We seated at the first row as the employee started counting

"3!  2!   1!" The ride started to move as the people started screaming

We reach to the top while people still keep screaming

"HAN JISUNG AND STAY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" Lee know screamed as the ride was moving faster Lee know was screaming same as me

"HOLY SHIT" I scream loud as I can

After the ride my legs feel so weak while walking

"Th-that wa-was amazing" Lee know while breathing heavily "Ye-Yeah" I said

"Damn I think I'm going to loose my voice any second now" Lee know said

"Lets take a seat you go first I'll buy water for the two of us" I said as I run and bought water and return to where Lee know was

I gave him the water as we rested in the bench

"So how was you mangaement in Nmixx??" He ask "Its great I'm doing well as well as the girls" I said drinking my water

"You know I got a feeling the girls like you you know?" He ask as I almost choke on my water "No way dude besides I'm just a normal person with an ugly face so what are you talking about?"

"Idiot, If the person you like is in the same room with you would you br comfortable? Of course not! You'll be uncomfortable by the uncomfortable silence. He said as he finished the water bottle "Aaaannd Love is blind even if your poor or rich ugly or pretty if they love you then they Love you!!You can't decide on who you'll fall inlove with" He explained

I wa shocked because he know all of this but I shrugged off

"Your right but still Lee know I'm not yet ready and you know that" I said

We started walking as we went to a restaurant and have a talk


After all the fun we did we headed home as I walk lee know from his dorm

"Thanks for walking me to my dorm bro And I'm thankful we met again after so many years" He said as we bid goodbye

I knocked on the door then the door open it was A sleepy Sullyoon

"Y/Nniee your back" she said with a sleepy tone and hugged

I chuckled on her cuteness "hello there Sullyoon how are you still awake?"

"I got thirsty so I went to the kitchen and grab some water but then I heard a knocked" after she said that she yawned quietly

'CUTIEE WJEHJWB' my heart was beating fast cause of her cuteness

'I can die in peace now' I thought smiling like and idiot

I get off of my thoughts then I heard a quiet snore

Sullyoon was sleeping while standing 'what- H-how?'

"Alright Sullyoon lets go" I said and carried her while she still sleeps

I put her to bed but then Sullyoon grabbed my wrist and pull me back to the bed

'GODAMN THIS GIRL IS STRONGER THAN ME' I thought while being shocked

"Stay please" she mumble and lean to my neck and started falling asleep as me as me

*To be Continue*


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