Chapter 15

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"The feelings we couldn't face
Hide in the dark, baby Even if you hide it, your tears will heaped up It almost overflow"


*Jiwoo's POV*

I was brushing my teeth but then some thought came into my mind 'I never knew that Y/N has a girlfriend and she's the same agency as I am right now' 'why did Sana even cheated on him/her Y/N look like a great guy/girl'

I finished my night routine I got in bed and fall asleep

*Next Morning*


I woke up early in the morning I got up out of the bed and check my phone for the girl's schedule the shooting for their MV is 10:00 am I walk into the bathroom so I can take a shower


I started cooking breakfast for the girls and started preparing the table

*Kyujin's POV*

I woke up early because the birds kelt chirping I was reading a book but I suddenly smell food it was.... PANCAKES!!!

I open the door and shut it down quietly so my unnies cant be awake I took a peek downstairs I saw my manager Y/N I stare at him

I realized he/she was so handsome/beautiful his/her beautiful brown hair and her/his eyes it was very attractive and they way she/her worked hard for us is really fluttering

I realized I was staring at him/her for too long I cut off my own thought and got back down to great Y/N "Good morning Oppa/Unnie" I said with a happy voice

"Good morning Kyujin" she/he said with a deep yet morning voice 'damn that was attractive' I thought "Hey uhm could you call the girls so we can eat" he/she said I nodded I call my Unnies


I saw the girls they have a sleepy face while the others rub their eyes 'how cute'

The girls started to eat their breakfast I made

After that the girls know that they have a shootign so they all took a shower

*10 minutes later*

The girls were reqdy I started the van and started driving


We arived were the girls going to shoot their MV

I saw Karl he was fixing the camera until her saw us "AH Y/N MY BOY/GIRL WELCOMR BACK" he shouted everyone got his attention as everybodys eyes were staring me and the girls

"Heyyy Karl how are you?" I ask "I'm okay now that your here and you bring the girls I'm very happy you guys could make it" he said with a smile plastered on his face

"Now enough talkinn we need to shoot chop chop everyone" Karl said to the staffs and workers as they nodded "Annnnd for the girls please follow me to the dressing room" the girls nodded and follow Karl

As for me well I just waited for the girls

I heard the door unlocked I look where it was and I saw the girls

'Their so pretty' I thought while staring at them

The girls saw me and wave at me as I waves back at then Karl called the girls "you girls can do it" I said to them while showing my gummy smile


'How cute' the thoughts while looking at Y/N's smile

Karl Called us once again we started to follow him

*Lily POV*

I was called by the staff I follow them as the camera is in front my face the staffs guide me on what will I do

After that they started recording while I lip sync and doing the dance there was also a backup dancers in my back

After that the staffs told me that I should stay still while lip singing because there will be s part where the wall will be falling down

After that the staffs told me it was finished I was walking to the dresssing room when someone taped my shoulder

It was Y/N "Hey Lily I just wanted to say you did a great job I'm very proud of you" He/She said with a soothing voice "Thank you so much Y/N for the compliment" I said while smilling "And uh here drink this I knoe your tired from shooting at least be healthy"

He/she gave ma a water bottle "Thank you Y/N your very sweet" After I said that we bud goodbye I was inside of the dressing room I was removing all the jewelry but one jewelry was hard to get it off

I was about to call Karl but he was busy so I just called my manager

"hey Uhm Y/N can you helo me get this off? Please" I said to him/her Y/N got my attention and walk towards me

"What the problem again?" He/she asked "Well uhm I cant get this necklace off can you help me?" I ask with embarrassment "Sure!" He/she said he/she came close to me

I can feel his/her hot breath against my neck his/her scent was addictive I was blushing madly and try myself to distract with something but I can't I look it to the mirror

His/her fluffy hair his/her brown eyes and his/her sharp jawline

I feel like everything is on slow motion my heart was beating faster as it could

"Annnnd done!" I was cut off on my own thoughts when Y/N talk to me "Tha-Thank y-you" I said while stuttering and still blushing madly

Y/N walked out of the room while I loot at the mirror thinking what tf happen earlier

'What are you doing to me Y/N??' I thought

*To be Continue*

[Sorry I didnt post yesterday I was busy]

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