Chapter 14

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"Like a star shining brightly in the deep darkness We will recognize each other anywhere The blinding spotlight, in your heart and mine A brilliant moment that will forever

*Previously in Chapter 13*

We arrived at the building we got inti the elevator me and girls where

walking but then suddenly some Random girl bumped into me she fall down I was about to get her up but then I saw her face

*First POV*

It was her

My Ex

The one who broke my heart for years

The Girl that I dont want to see

Minatozaki Sana

I held a hand for her to grab it of course even though I hated her for month I still want to be gentle "Y-Y/N?? Wha-what ar-are you doi-ng he-here??" Sana ask as her face is shocked "Grab my hand" I said coldy she grabbed my hand I pull her so she can stand up

'How do they know each other?' They thought

'Is Y/N's ex is Sana Unnie?' jinni thought and remembered what happen when they were in Y/N's Parents house 'N-no that can't be ho-how?' Jinni thought while staring at the two of them

"Girls Lets go" I said the girls then nodded and followed me not until someone called me

"Y/N wa-wait" She grab my hand I let go of it harshly "Please Y/N lets talk I can explain I'm sorry" I stopped walking "Girls get to your dorm right now" I said to the girls I lend the keys to Haewon the girls then proceed to walk

"Y/N I know you hate me but please I'm sorry for braking your heart" She said I chuckled bitterly "Is that all 'Sorry' are you fucking kidding me? Do you think a word of sorry will cure me hmm? Do you even kmow how much I cared for you I gave you everything and yet you cheated on me I even wanted you to cheer you up yet your always rolling your eyes of yours" I said "Y-Y/N I-" I cutted her of

"Do you even know how much you did to me while you were gone?" I chuckled bitterly again "I cried and cried hoping you to comeback I was getting sick and yet I still hope you come back to me I cried all nights days" I said while I didnt realized I was tearing up "I tried my best Sana to make you happy I gave eveything to you its funny because I thought were gonna last forever but false who am I even kidding I'm not even perfect for you"

"So Dont Y/N Y/N me because you wanted me away do you even remember what you said to me? 'Get away from me I dont want to see your ugly face again' well guess what I did get away from your life" I continue to walking while I ignore her calling my name

While walking I remember all the times me and Sana were together her smile it was sweet I didn't even realized I was crying I arrived at the girls dorm I open it I saw the girls they were at the living room

The girls saw me and ran up to me they hug me "Oppa/Unnie are you okay?" Jiwoo ask "I'm fine girls" "No!! You are not fine you are crying" Kyunjin said I sighed "It's fine" I said it again

"Oppa/Unnie how do you know Sana unnie?" Ask by Jinni I was shocked that I forgot that they were there I sighed thinking I should tell them

"Girls let's go to the living room and discuss it" the girls nodded I followed them into the living room

I release a heavy long sigh "you girls ready for the story?" They nodded "Okay So uhm Sana was my girlfriend before and uhmm I know its shocking but we dated before we met at xxxxx school I was a quiet kud back not until I met Daniela and her friends"

"I always wished that something might happen to my life but then it did a new student came into the school her name was Minatozaki Sana everybody was stunned by her beauty she was almost perfect she has good attitude, she has the beauty  every girl and bot wanted to dated her but she wasn't interested"

"Until one day she introduced her self to the class everybody was whipped for her the teacher called me I raised my hand the teacher saw me and Sana made her way to her seat and that were it all began"

"Me and Sana became friends that almost everyone thought we are dating and well after some time we did dated which make us more happy"

I told them what happened next which they got them off guard because I said Sana cheated on me

After telling my story the girls feel bad they all hugged me and start comforting me

It was getting late and I told the girls to sleep because they will be filming the MV of O.O tomorrow

*To be Continue*

Hello :33 sorry for the late post

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