Chapter 7

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*Third POV*

After the girls eat their breakfast Y/N said to prepare for their photoshoot.

*10 minutes later*

"Girls!! Are you ready?? Were gonna be late" Y/N said one by one all of them got down their clothes were comfy only a hoodie and a pants. "Were ready" the girls said in sync we got out of the building and I started the van to drive there.

*15 minutes later*

*First POV *

We arrived at where the photoshoot is we get inside ans greeted by a lady "Ahh hi there you must be the new manager of Nmixx yes?? She said "Ahh yes I am their manager" I said "Thank you sir for letting me have their photoshoot please follow me" me and the girls followed her she open the door we come inside it was wide and plain just a white wall

But many cameras and ring lights hanging in each angle my thoughts were cut off by a man "Good morning!! You must be the manager of NMIXX right?" He asked "Uh yes" he smiled and introduced himself his name was Karl

"Its time" said Karl please ladies follow me to the dressing room the girls look at me I smiled and said "you can do it" They smiled at me said said goodbye too me one by one.

*5 minutes*

I saw all of them with pretty outfits my jaw dropped on how pretty they were they saw me and smiled at me one by one they have partners but

'Where's Sullyoon's partner?' I thought

I looked at Karl he was talking to someone with a dissapointed face he ended the call and realese a big sigh I came to him.

"What wrong is there something bad?" I asked "Well Sullyoon partner is sick he can't go here" he looked at me with a sad face but seconds later he look at me again like he's examining me "YOU ARE PERFECT" he whisper shouted I was confused "What do you mean I'm perfect?" I ask "I mean your perfect to be Sullyoon's partner" I was shocked becuase like 'how' He dragged me to the dressing room he called the stylist and said "Adam please make him over and make him look handsome/pretty " "Yes sir Adam said he started using makeup on me and dresses me

After a few monute I was done I looked and gawhdamn I look hot "You like it?" Adam asked I nod my head Adam let out a little chuckle and dragged me out of the dressing room.

All of them looked at me especially the girls were staring at me

'He looks hot' the girls thought

"PERFECTO" Karl said and dragged me to Sullyoon. She has a shocked face and said "I thought somone gonna partner me up with some stranger but I wasn't expecting you to be my partner" "Well turn out your partner got sick that's why Karl replaced ypur partner to me.

"Well at least now Im comfortable with my own partner" she clinged into my arm I blush and look at the other direction I saw the girls glaring at Sullyoon

"Okay everybody!! Let start the photshoot again" after Karl said that everyone got in their position an took many pics of me and Sullyoon.

Until later

"Y/N can you be close to Sullyoon like hug her from behind and for You Sullyoon I want you to bend backward and look at Y/N from the top and smile" I was shocked becuase of how close we are gonna do that but I had no choice to do it neither Sullyoon did it too as were doing that I could feel 6 pairs of eyes look straight at me and I could feel Sullyoons hot breath.

Sullyoon looked at me with those pretty eyes

*Sullyoon's Pov*

'How is he/she so handsome/pretty
Those brown eyes, his/her kissable lips my heart is beating fast like there's no tomorrow is this... is this what is called falling inlove??' I thought

'What are you doing to me Y/N??' I thought while looking at him while he blushed in a mess.


As what Karl said I need to smile and look at her while she do the same thing during that moment I study her face features which she has all the beauty standards small nose, big but cute eyes, small lips my heart was beating fast on how she smiled and look at me I feel my world stop like a slow motion.

My thoughts were cut off when Karl said "DONE BRAVO PERFECTO!!" I look around and I saw the girls they were clapping and looking around I looked at Sullyoon she was smiling widely at me while I smiled back and said "You should dressed to your normal clothing so we can eat" she nodded "and also tell this to the other girls"

she nodded again and went to the girls the girls nodded and went to the dressing room while I went to the other dressing room

*5 minutes later*

I saw the girls they were in their comfortable clothes they all looked so tired I went to them and said "So all of you did a great job and for your prize I'll treat you to a popular restaurant" All the girls looked at me with widened eyes the all cheer.

'How adorable' I thought

*To be Continue*

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