1:"just the two of us."

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Now playing: love dive by IVE.

Wonyoung was so happy.

Sunghoon was hers.

If you knew wonyoung, you knew she had a elephant sized crush on sunghoon. Something about the male just attracted her so much.

She had been pursuing him for about half a year now.

After months and months, sunghoon finally agreed to go on a date with her.

That day wonyoung was skipping and bouncing her way home.

She was most excited to tell her older brother, Sunoo.

"SUNOO!!!!"wonyoung yelled, her brother was most probably home by now so she was looking for him.

She ran upstairs to her brothers room and slammed the door open

There he was, her brother sitting on the bed.

"Yah, knock before opening the door."her brother said slightly annoyed but letting it go as it was his little his sister.

"OPPA GUESS WHAT???"she screamed again, now sunoo covered his ears.

" Girl, calm down tell me what happend" sunoo said patting the space beside him on his bed, signalling her to sit beside him.

wonyoung ran to her brother and choked him in a bone crushing hug.

"YAH, WHATS WRONG TELL ME "sunoo said now really annoyed.

"SUNGHOON AGREED TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME TOMORROW!" said wonyoung with huge smile on her face.

"What?..."her brothers eyes widened at what she said.

"Wonyoung, you've got to be kidding me." Said sunoo .

"Wonyoung, that boy is danger. Didn't I tell you to stay away from him"said sunoo looking pretty angry

Wonyoung pouted at this, sunoo was never overprotective of her and always supported her at whatever she did. "But oppa, sunghon is a nice guy"she said stomping her feet like a child and still pouting.

Sunoo rolled his eyes at his sister acting like a child.

"Listen wonyoung, I know you like him alot but I know that man he is my classmate and you can get any man and woman you want but just not him he is a freaking player and hes just annoying"said sunoo to a wonyoung looking very serious with no sort of emotion in her eyes.

"But oppa! He is the guy I want, you always get anyone you want with no trying and no one stops you so why are you stopping me!" Said wonyoung while pouting.

"Fine wonyoung go for him, but remember what I told you and don't come crying to me when he cheats on you with another person" replied sunoo lying down on his bed and sighing

"Hmph, okay whatever you say" said wonyoung rolling her eyes and stomping out of the room.

"Oh and close the door after your way out!" Yelled sunoo to wonyoung.






Wonyoung was getting ready for her date with sunghoon.

she was excited but kind of bummed about what sunoo said.

But neitherless, she was happy .

"Did you wait too long?" Said wonyoung to sunghoon who was waiting for her infront of the mall.

"No, I just came here" said sunghoon coldly . Wonyoung was kind of sad that sunghoon was still cold to her but she thought that he will warm it to her soon.

"You look handsome"said wonyoung trying to make small talk.

"Hm, you look pretty too" said sunghoon with no emotion whatsoever

Wonyoung squealed internally, he probably did not mean it, but a win is a win!

Shortly after they arrived at the food court and started ordering food.

"Sunghoon you like chocolate milk right?" Said wonyoung

"No I like milk tea" said sunghoon.

Wonyoung thought that it was kind of rude but, he was the ice Prince after all.






Their date was pretty basic , nothing special. They ate talked a little and now after 2 hours it was time for them to go in their own ways.

Wonyoung somehow convinced sunoo to pick her up.

As she was saying her goodbyes to sunghoon, sunoo rolled the window down and yelled

"Are you done yet?"

They turned to the car and sunghoon chuckled a little.

Wonyoung was surprised sunghoon didn't show any sort of emotion the whole 2 hours they were together but now sunghoon was laughing all of a sudden.

Not gonna lie, she was kinda embaressed but she brushed it off and bid her goodbyes to sunghoona nd went to the car.

1711 words.

First chapter done do you guys like it?

Let me know about your opinions jn the comments and don't forget to vote babes ☆

Logging off☆

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