chapter 1

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Many years later at dragon stone.

The sound of hurried footsteps could be heard these were followed by the creaking of a door and the cries of a man in pain. Later it was known that Laena Velaryon had died in childbirth. An invitation was sent inviting the Targaryen family to journey to Driftmark to witness her funeral.

Princess Nymeria is sitting in her room combing through her hair when she hears a knock at the door. After a few seconds, someone enters her room

"Hello sweatling," her mother says sitting on her bed

"Hello mother"

Turning to face her mother the two Targaryen women stare at each other before the silence is broken.

"We are going to your aunt's funeral tomorrow-

"Yes and I'm not coming" she interrupts "I know the deal" she finishes before turning back to her mirror to comb the rest of hair.

"You'll meet them one day" she says before exiting the room


The next morning a ship is docked at the dock the gloomy overcast making it a poor day for sailing. The Targyen/Velaryon family are gathered saying goodbye to the princess who will be once again. As her family boards the large ship she waits on the dock before heading indoors when the first drop of rain hits her skin.

Days pass without her family there. Her time is spent walking around the castle aimlessly, listening to the septa drone on or practicing her already very good high Valyrian. Without a dragon she doesn't have much to do.

"Are you listening princess"

"Yes septa you may continue"

The septa continues with the dreary history lesson continuing with yet another tale illustrating the greatness of her ancestors.

It had been six days when her family finally came home

The young princess runs out gleefully to greet her family walking next to her mother instead of her father was a whiter-haired man that was standing awfully close to a married woman. Behind the two stood another girl with the same blond hair that she and her mother had.

"Where is father"

She was met with no reply but a sorrowful silence filled the already quiet air.

"I'm so sorry my sweet girl, I'm so sorry" her mother whispered pulling her daughter into I tight hug.

"Who is that then"

"Him? He is my husband"

"But you had a husband"

"He's a new one and this is his daughter, your cousin Rhaena she's a few years younger than you but I'm sure you will get along well"

Feeling a bit overwhelmed Nymeiria turned and swiftly walked to the beach that went right and the first part of the dock.

Her shoes were sinking into the sand as she tried her best to easily navigate the rocky beach. She followed the sand round the corner ignoring the cries from her mother and the strange white-haired man. Angry and annoyed she tried to escape her mother's constant watch and so she ducked into the opening of a large cave. The tears falling from her eyes didn't allow her to see the warning signs that the cave displayed. Skulls and bones littered the floor of the cave. But it was too late. A loud roar echoed through the cave startling the young girl and making dust fall from the ceiling. The sound of a large animal moving through the cave could be heard by the frightened girl.

A large dragon roared scaring the even more if possible. Her mind thinking of every possible scenario and how she might survive this encounter

"Lykiri" she spoke in the calmest voice she could muster

The dragon roared again so she repeated the phase this time reaching her hand out but turning her head away in fear of It being bitten off. Instead of opening its large jaws the dragon gently pushed its head into her hand. She edged towards the large beast getting the feeling this may be her time to claim the thing that she so desperately wanted. After carefully climbing up to the dragon's back she sat down holding onto its scales before saying the phrase that would change her whole life.


The dragon walked forward the cave with its weight before. when the dragon reached the beach it pushed off using its large wings to propel its self forward. the dragon flew higher and higher circling around the castle beneath them. from the castle the large dragon could be seen with a small rider holding onto its back for dear life.

She had just done something that no one had done before she had claimed one of the largest dragons. Cannibal.

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