chapter 4

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after Viserys dismissed the court Nymeria ushered her younger brothers out of the throne room not wanting them to see the ghastly sight of Vaemond Velaryons body any longer. Aemonds eye followed her every movement admiring the care she showed for her younger siblings and how she shielded them. his eye followed her for as long as it could and even when she disappeared from his line of sight he craned his neck in hopes of seeing more of her. the one eyed prince couldn't help but want to know more about the young princess.

after returning each of her brothers to their own chambers Nymeria walked down a few corridors to reach her own. she had barely had any time to herself in kingslanding, she liked it but the constant attention from servants and members of court had left her overwhelmed. she first walked over to the shelf of books that had been placed in the room for her. wanting to read a book Nymeria traced her fingers over the titles of the books, finally settling on an old book written in valyrian. sitting down at the desk put in her chambers she began to read. the book was a detailed history of Maegor the cruel. she was lost in her book reading about the possible hidden tunnels that he had built into the castle when a knock sounded at the door. after permitting entry three of her maids entered

"we are to help you get ready for the feast" 

"What feast I have heard of no such thing"

"the king has ordered that you are all to dine together tonight"

"very well"

one of the girls laid out dresses on her bed while the other two scrubbed her skin raw in the bath, lathering her with a number of soaps and oils. Hauled out of the bath and dried, she barely had any time to collect her thoughts before garments where being placed on her and a corset restricted her breathing. she was then pulled over to a chair when she felt the strands of her hair being pulled into yet another intricate braid. it felt like hours had passed before the maids had finished their work. after taking a glance out her window the sun was barely visable and gave the sky a pinkish tint. another knock sounded at the door this time she didn't have time to answer before her father entered the room. the three girls quickly hurried out of the room bowing as they left.



"skoro syt issi ao kesīr?"

"issa jēda syt dinner"

"hmm, skoriot iksis muña"

"issa lēda aōha brothers"

"hen rhinka, ivestragī īlva jikagon pār"

she and her father often chose to converse in valyrian rather than the common tongue as it was the language of their ancestors and it kept their conversations between them. the journey to the kings dining hall was a silent one both of them preferred the silence and where to stubborn to be the one to break it. upon entering the dinning hall the guards announced their presences. the two separated and took their respective seats. Nymeria found her seat annoyingly across form her uncle, Aemond. 

his face showed no emotion as he watched her take her seat his eye trailing over the cleavage she showed and the clothing she war. he stared at her so deeply it was if he was memorising every detail of her body wich in fact he was but it was not the first time he had done so and it wouldn't be the last. he only looked away from her when the king entered the room. though when the king had taken his seat his eyes returned to her though this time she was talking to Jace who sat beside her. 

"How good it is to see you all tonight... together."

"Prayer before we begin?"


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