chapter 2

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Her life had been more joyous after claiming a dragon. She had put in more effort with her lessons so that she could go dragon riding with her siblings. The years passed quickly and before long she had turned ten and eight. Her mother and stepfather were now frequently arguing over whether she should remain unmarried.

One day around three moons after her name day her mother received a raven from the queen.

Dear Rhaenyra

Lord Vaemond has bought into question the succession of Driftmark due to Lord Corlys' recent illness. Myself and the king require your presence to speak on the matter and support your daughter's claim.

We will convene in one week's time.

Queen Alicent

The letter was passed around the dinner table at one evening ensuring the whole family knew what this meant for them.

"We set sail tomorrow, gather all you need for the trip"

Groans sounded from around the table many of them clearly wished to ride their dragons. When dinner concluded that evening the family rushed off to gather their belongings.

The next morning the family boarded the ship. The choppy blue waters lapped at the side of the boat making it rock from side to side. They had all gone bellow deck to their respective chambers but the princes and princesses rushed above when the sound of dragons roaring reached them. It seemed that the dragons would follow them to the capital.

The boat ride was long and boring. As much as the princess was intrigued by the boat being above deck and watching the dragons was not the best use of her time. But once again when it was announced that Kings Landing was in the ship's sights the young princes and princesses once again rusted above deck to see the magnificent capital.

In less than an hour's time they were once again on land. They were soon seated in a carriage that began moving towards the large castle. When they arrived they were not greeted by the queen but instead by a knight that her mother and daemon seemed to recognise.

"We will go visit the king. Jace, Luke show your sister around" their mother said before turning back to numeric and pulling the hood of her cloak over her head.

"Keep your hair hidden for now," she said before she turned around once again leaving the children to explore.

Much to the princess's dismay Rhaena excused herself saying that she was feeling ill and needed to retire to her chambers.

The children left her and made their way to what looked like a training ground. The two boys rushed forward, Nymeria following closely behind.

"Look it's still here" Jace pointed at referring to the piece of stone that had been chipped from the stone. "That's what happens when you try to swing Ser Cristons morning star.

Nymeria chuckled at the comment imagining what may have happened. Only stopping when the younger boy moved closer to her almost cowering behind the skits of her dress. Giving him a puzzled look he answered.

"Everyone is staring sister. Maybe they wouldn't stare if I looked like Laenor and less like Ser Harwin Strong."

Bending down to his height she replied "I don't know in the slightest who that is but what I do know is that you are a Prince, A Targaryen Prince, and that is all that matters. She finished before Jace pulled them towards a circle of people that was forming. As they got closer they saw a man with hair the same as hers fighting another man with darker hair. From the tales, her brothers had spoke and the eye patch that the white-haired man wore she guesses that he was prince aemond their uncle. Before long the prince won the fight by pointing his sword at the knight's throat.

"Good fight my prince you'll be winning tourneys in no time"

"I don't give a shit about tourneys" he replied throwing his sword to the ground. He turned to leave before he spotted her bothers and walked towards them instead.

"Come to train nephews"

Her brothers were about to reply but they were interrupted by a guard announcing the arrival of Lord Vaemond. Giving her brothers a quick glance before angrily storming through the grounds a sea of Driftmark banners. The Princess saw this as her chance to exist the situation her brothers quickly followed suit. They walked away quickly hoping to avoid any further encounters with the one-eyed Prince. Unfortunately for them, the Prince noticed the cloaked figure walking with the two boys.

After leaving the courtyard the siblings stopped in an empty hallway. Little did they know a certain Targaryen Prince was listening from afar.

"You two go find mother" she spoke "I will continue to familiarize myself with the castle"

"Are you sure" Jace questioned


They parted ways but the Princess didn't get far before she was pushed against the cold stone walls of the castle. Two arms caged her arms allowing her no chance of escape.

"Who are you," the Prince asked

Pulling down her hood and revealing her Targaryen features she broke the silence

"Hello uncle"

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