Chapter: 25

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As arcadia was being operated, the primarchs now in their young adult periods and are busy training themselves to be like their father, a great fighter and commander, being trained by both custodes and order of aeon.

Their growth have begone to show as they masterfully picked up their teachers teaching and techniques, they were also trained to be great rulers and managers, to help them when they have their own kingdoms and to help them with their legions.

As they were training, i was busy creating their weapons and armor, as I was in my forge creating the tools for my children.

In chrono the first generation of astartes where busy training themselves in tested and simulated combat as they fought with training version of weapons that they will use in war.

Brothers, bring some cover fire" a space marine in training armor ordered as his allies moved back and fired back as turrets were set to stun and where firing at them.

As the turrets set their sight at the firing astartes they didn't see two more behind them as they cut their necks and fell below the two.

Lets go!!" They yelled as they moved forward as many astartes begun moving toward the capture point.

Sir enemies incoming, to the left!" His fellow astarte said as they saw hundred of training robots with guns and sword running towards them.

Shield!" The captain said as many astarte holding shield run in front of the enemy and created a shield wall as they fired, the remaining ones firing above the shield users.

The trainees and robots fought, another door opened as many more robots emerged seeing that the captain ordered a retreat to a more better spot to fight.

Retreat behind the pillars" he ordered as the astartes slowly withdrew as they were being hit by stun shots and training rounds, they retreated to the pillars with many places for the astarte to use to their close quarters training.

As they move to a spot were the ruins and pillars are sat to become a one way hallway as the sat down and placed their shields in front as they shoot down the enormous amount of robots whose advantage of numbers were useless because of the tight corridor.

The shield wall held on at the unending wave of laser fire as they stayed strong and counterattack as they were keeping the sight of the enemies to them 3 trainees in each side of the pillars, held a large pillar each and pushed.

Argh! Push" one of the astarte yelled as his allies yelled as well. As they pushed with all their might as the pillar was slightly tilting toward the enemies direction as cracks were forming as the pillars were creaking.

Push" he yelled

Raaaahhh" his brother yelled as the pillars cracked as they fell on the enemy army crushing the majority as the remaining were destroyed by the astartes.

Is everybody okay" the captain said as everyone nodded as they move there way to capture point, as they moved in they saw a fortress of many turrets and enemies.

Bring in the terminators" the leader ordered as two astartes wearing gigantic terminator armor emerged and soaked up the laser fire of the turrets.

Everyone begin the siege" he ordered as siege equipped astartes were beginning to break down the defensive wall and move over the wall with jetpacks.

As they flew over they took out the enemy robots and turrets as they begin sieging the base as they blitz the base defenses as the terminators soak up the damage.

As the battle ensued, veda was watching the battle on the viewing building with some commanders and celestials.

Impressive, as aspected of our lord, they are quite great soldiers"  a celestial said as she looked at the astartes with interest

Though they will be loyal to aeon and their primarch first and foremost" veda said as everyone nodded

Still they would be great soldiers to lead" a  old looking commander stated as he rubbed his chin. As he imagine leading a group of astartes.

It seem this training simulation has ended" veda said as she looked at the group as they were cheering while waving the captured flag.

Did you film it" she added as her subordinate nod her head.

Send it to aeon and have those trainees a good rest" she said as they saluted as she teleported toward her room to rest.

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