Chapter: 29

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20 years after the creation of the 20 legions. On one of the continents of earth a gigantic spire pierce the very sky.

The Tower of Babel.

The very first church to be created and a tower created by the man named babel who was to conceited and prideful wanting to have the highest tower in the world even above the gods.

But unfortunately for him and the church who thought of themselves that they know the laws of god. They were both terribly wrong.

Boom!! Booomm!!

Explosion rang out as several ships of the imperium fired at the surrounding buildings near the tower as the sky burning as angels descended from the sky and brought judgement toward the zealots of the first church.

Several hundreds of drop pods flew down from their respective ships as the emblems of the word bearers were painted on their hull.

As they landed the word bearers opened up their pod doors as they shoot down hundreds of warriors charging at them with their weapons.

A single word bearer librarian was easily and mercilessly killing the warriors of the church of babel as his eyes glowed with blue electricity as he cut down a warrior in half and with a small chant fired a electric blast the killed a dozen of his enemies as his power sword crackled with energy.

Their librarians fired their sacred mage craft toward the human army creating explosions of white flames and blue lightning.

A astarte fired his weapons at a warrior as he turned around and saw a family holding each other for safety. The father place himself between his family and the astarte as he was pleading to the astarte to spare.

The astarte pointed his bolter at them as they all flinch as the father closed his eyes as he was getting closer to his family. But an angel flew down and placed her hand as the astarte's shoulder as he lowered his weapon and walk away from the family, nodding his head to the angel with reverence.

As the father opened his eyes and saw the female angel alongside his family his eyes watered with tears as they knelt and prayed toward the angel as she stood before them.

As many of these scene played out as the astartes and angels only brought judgement to only those who have sinned.

A fat priest was trying to run away as he heard several gun shots and footsteps coming closer. As he turned the corner he was backhanded by an angel as he saw the male angel looking at him coldly as several word bearers were behind him equipped with a composite weapon of a flamer and bolter as the pointed at him.

What is your final words zealot" the angel spoke without any emotions, as the flames of the flamer sprung to life.

Please o holy one spare me" the fat priest kneeled as he place his fat head to the ground but cannot because of oh his ginormous belly.

And do tell me why I would even spare you ilk" the angel asked again.

For i am a priest, I only did what god has ordered me to do" when he said that traces of mercy vanished from the angels face.

You dare speak Her name, mortal, after what you people have done" the angel yelled as the fat priest form flew from where he is standing as his head was lay into the angels grasp as his plated fingers curled around the priest head, digging in like claws.

From behind him, the word bearers were furious their fingers on the trigger were twitching, wanting to slowly and painfully incinerate the blasphemer. But their diligence stopped them from doing it.

You dare exist in Her domain after the sacrilege you people have wrought" he stated as the priest dangled trying to break free from the iron grip.

You dare imply it was Her purpose you served with you twisted ideals" as the hand tightened as blood was flowing from where tips of the fingers piercing the head of the priest.

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