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Chapter two

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Chapter two.

Poe's hand never let go of Aurora's as they ran down the corridors towards the hanger. BB-8 rolled in front of them, dodging past people and beeping hysterically. As they rounded the corner into the hanger, Aurora stopped, pulling Poe back into her as her eyes widened in realisation. 


Aurora tugged Poe back, shouting, "Everyone out of the hanger! Move quickly!" 

Poe frowned, looking out of the hanger doors where an TIE Silencer belonging to Kylo Ren was heading towards them. He stepped back, shouting the same orders as Aurora, beckoning people to get of the ships and out of the hanger but it was to late. A tremor ran through the floor and a sudden blast of heat sent them flying back. Aurora and Poe hit the ground harshly and sliding back a few feet as metal pieces of exploded ship barely miss them. 

BB-8 was thrown into the wall, his head falling off his body as he bounces against the ground. Aurora groaned, reaching to touch her temple, looking down at her hand to find blood. Poe was beside her, leaning up on his elbows he watches the hanger go up in flames and the door close. 

"Poe, Aurora!" Finn shouts, skidding on the ground slightly as he ran towards them, "Are you okay?" 

"We need to get out of reach of those Star Destroyers," Poe says, clutching his side with a wince, looking over at Aurora who sat up, placing BB-8's head back on his body, "Aurora, are you okay?"

She turns to them, giving them a small nod before standing, offering Poe her hand, "Come on, we have to get to mum." 


Tremors from the explosions make people stumble as Aurora, Poe and Finn rush through the ship suddenly the ship lurches to the side. Poe's arm wrapped around Aurora's waist as they stumble into the window. Kylo ship is hesitant, looking down at the command station when suddenly two TIE fighters fly past him blasting down at the ship. The command centre went up in flames, taking out everyone inside and into space, including Leia. Aurora froze, everything around her went silent to her, her eyes glued on the what was the command centre. 

'It wasn't me Aurora, please believe me, it wasn't me.'

Aurora swallowed thickly, her breathing becoming shallow and harsh as Poe tilts her head to face him, cupping her cheeks in his palm. He was talking to her but she couldn't here anything he was saying. She had just lost Han but something felt different, Leia's presence was still surrounding her. Aurora turned to look down out of the window, a relived smile on her face as she watched Leia reaching out towards the ship, using the force to guide herself back inside. 

Aurora ran quickly, reaching the door to the command centre first, slamming the door open as Leia's body reached the door. She caught her mum, lowering them both to the floor quickly as Poe closed the door shut before kneeling down beside them, taking Leia's hand in his own shouting for medics. 

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