Chapter Two
TherapyAFTER Amelia's encounter with Lucifer she decided to head home where Ella was most likely asleep. On her walk home she thought it'd be best if she found a therapist during her lunch break the next day, and so she did. She found a small office in LA where she was able to get an appointment right after work.
"Hi, I'm Amelia Parker." Amelia introduces her self to the blonde doctor who had just opened her door to allow her new patient to enter the room.
"Linda Martin, pleasure to meet you." Linda shook the girl's hand and gestured her to sit on the couch. "So tell me about yourself and why you decided to come here."
"Well, I moved here a few days ago from Detroit after um." Amelia's head drops and she looks down at her hands, her guilt rushing over her.
"After what?" Linda questions trying to understand the young girl.
"After I got Ian killed." She stammers out.
"Why do you think you got him killed?"
"I was into drugs and it was bad, it consumed my life and one day Ian followed me to one of the deals, I didn't realize he had and I also didn't know that my dealer planned on shooting me in the chest." Closing her eyes Amelia tries keeping her composure and crumbling into a puddle. "The only reason why I'm sitting in your office right now is because Ian jumped in front of that bullet."
"Who's Ian?" Linda again questions the girl.
"He's my brother." Amelia answers in almost a whisper. "Well, he adopted me basically... my mom couldn't have kids after me and well I'm pretty sure that's the reason my mom started ignoring me especially after dear old Dad left."
"How did you react when your dad left?"
"Well I was nine at the time so I was pretty confused when I got home after being at my friend's." Amelia answers now picking at her nails. "But uh I knew he wasn't coming back so I was sad and hurt that he'd abandoned me."
"What about your mom, how did she react?" Linda questions more.
"At first she acted like everything was fine and we were going to get through it, but as the weeks went on she slowly started ignoring me, I'd ask her to color with me and she'd blow me off telling me to go do it by myself, and eventually I only came by to get clothes to spend the week at my friend's and mom never questioned me about it and acted like I never existed or she'd start shit with me knowing I have Pop's temper."
"Who's your friend?"
"Ella, she also had family problems but who doesn't? But I will say her family was basically my family they pretty much adopted me, and I'm forever grateful."
"What made you fall into drugs?" Linda finally asks after understanding some of the brunette's background.
"I was going through I rough patch, and I fell in line with really bad people who introduced me to drugs, I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway and the I became addicted, it took my pain away it made me feel like everything was great, it numbed my pain up until it took someone I loved from me."
Before Linda could ask her next question Amelia's phone starts buzzing inside the back pocket of her jeans.
"I'm sorry this is probably work." Amelia stands and pulls her phone out of her pocket to reveal Ella's name meaning it was indeed work. "Hello?"
"We have another body and I kinda need a ride and my partner." Ella answers.
"Alright I'll be there in a few." Amelia quickly hands up the phone and turns back to her new therapist. "Thank you for your time but I gotta go, I have a body to take pictures of."
Linda's face contorts into confusion and concern causing Amelia to realize that the blonde didn't know her job and that it sounded kinda bad.
"I'm a forensic scientist for the LAPD." Amelia quickly explains. "Sorry."
"Well that makes more since, would you like to schedule an appointment for next week?"
"Sounds good." Amelia nods before rushing out of the office and to her car.
"Where were you?" Ella questions immediately when she sees her friend's car.
"Therapy." Amelia sighs driving off go the scene. "I wasn't expecting a body on my lunch break."
"Oh." Ella mutters. "Well that's good, glad you found someone here."
Amelia places a hand on Ella's shoulder giving her a sympathetic look. "This doesn't mean I'm not going to tell you all my drama, I'm just going to a professional."
"Ok, you can't forget about me, alright."
"Psh, never. You bug me too much." Amelia smirks glancing over at the other brunette.
"I do not but you." Ella denies.
"Uh huh"
"Yeah huh." Ella mocks with a smile.
Thank you to those who have read this fanfic, it means a lot.
I know I don't have much luci action yet, but I have a plan just be patient with me.
I'm on Christmas break so I'll have a lot more time to write chapters which is great!
Published- 12/18/22

Underwear ( Lucifer Morningstar• Oc)
FanfictionWhen the new forensic scientist meets a handsome devil, and isn't fooled by his charms. Or When the Devil finds that the new forensic scientist won't fall for his charm, just like his partner In crime. Lucifer Season 2-6 I own only my Oc and her sto...