then explain it to me

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' Who in the fuck is Rafal? '

The question had been in my head for a few hours now and just wouldn't let me fall asleep. Lesso seemed very interested when the guy appeared, but after he said Sofie's name she seemed disappointed.
Would she already know the guy?

" Argh " I groaned irritated and while also getting up from my bed. I wanted and needed to know who this guest was and the only place I could find an answer to that question was the library.
There is only one real problem with that.
The only library I know lie is the one at the school for good but since it was now late and I wouldn't be allowed to walk around the schools anymore, looking for our library wasn't an option either.

I paced my room a few times considering my options.

Option 1: I get back in my bed and try to sleep anyway.
Option 2: I look for our library and try not to get caught by those stupid wolves guarding the school and then end up in the doom room with Lady Lesso.
Option 3: I sneak into the school for good, sneak into the library there and try to find an answer to my question.

I walked to my balcony to see how far the school for the good was.

" Too far to jump y/n, what else would you have thought you silly owl? "

I walked back inside and considered my options one more time. I could poke myself with one of my needles to make myself invisible in order to search for our library, but the search alone would probably take me a long time and then I probably hadn't even started looking for an answer. Sleep probably wasn't going to work either, so I decided to go on to the school for good.

I walked to my door, opened it, and looked down the hallway. Nothing. Nobody. Nada.
Secretly I had hoped I saw Lady Lesso or that she had still come to my room, but I had seen it coming. I mean, she's evil after all.
I closed the door back and then walked to my bathroom. I searched through my drawers looking for a needle or something sharp. In my first aid kit was a safety pin, so I had to make do with that. I put the pin in my pocket and then snuck out of my room.

I was almost at the school exit when suddenly I could hear those stupid dogs.
I quickly hid and pulled out the game. I made myself invisible and the advantage was that the wolves came to relieve each other on the outside, so I snuck out along with the new guards and then ran as fast but also as quietly as possible to the other school.

I closed the door of the library behind me and just in time too because as soon as I closed the door, my spell broke and I became visible again.

" Just in time. " I muttered to myself and then walked properly into the library.
There were hundreds of books if not thousands, and the hope that I was going to find an answer to my question today vanished with every book that caught my eye. In any other situation, I would have loved this place, but not right now.

It also just occurred to me now that Rafal was probably someone evil and that the chances of there being a book about him there were smaller than a mouse. I decided to look around anyway, now that I'm here anyway.

I decided to start searching from the top, all the way back since that would be the most logical place for me to hide something there about an evil wizard in a library about good.

The hours ticked by, but nothing yet. I knew I had to go back quickly to avoid being noticed or reported missing.
I turned to start walking back when I bumped into a rack of books and fell backward.

" Goddammit, you stupid book rack. " I cursed.
Just as I finished the sentence and was massaging the sore spot on my head, a large book fell to the ground. I looked up and could see a clearing at the very top of the rack. I looked back at the book. It was a thick book, but the unusual thing about it was the thick, blood-red chain around it. The colors of the chains made me think back to Rafal, so I decided to take the book with me.

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