Damn, I'm in deep shit. ( part 2 )

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Damn, I'm in deep shit

If the wolves are already saying something like that, it must be bad. But I can't remember what I've done that should be so bad then. Is this still from the library? It can't be. I've done much worse things as long as I've been here. She's not going to lock me in here for that. Does she know I've been in the garden of the school of good? Or is it because I've been to the blue forest?

I have so many questions and the longer I stood here, the more nervous I became. Well, it's not like I have a choice now either.

Lady Lesso's POV

I had asked the wolves to pick up two things. one of those two things was now sitting in the same chair as I was sitting with her at the time.

Hell, I'm never going to look at that chair the same now.

" I haven't even done anything really evil yet. " yelled the blonde in front of me. I was standing in the shadows, so she couldn't see me yet. I just want this done as soon as possible so I can get to my second assignment. One I'm much more looking forward to.

" And that is precisely why you are here Sophie. "
She looked at me in surprise, but the emotion I wanted to see, and there was plenty of it, was fear. She was as white as snow from fear and it turned me on something.

" Out of everyone he could have chosen, he chose your Sophie. You don't want to know what kind of power you have. "

I walked past my toys and then grabbed something.
" Please, don't hurt me. " she begged.

I picked up an axe and walked toward her.
" You can be our savior Sophie. The only problem is that your beauty will keep you and others from it. "

With those last words I hacked at her hair and chopped off a good chunk of it. I showed it to Sophie and she spontaneously started crying. I was happy with my work, so I threw the axe away and left her there.

Let the fun begin.

I walked to my room and as soon as I opened the door I was greeted by her. Tied up, blindfolded, and gagged against my beautiful cross. I closed the door behind me and I could see her holding her breath.
" I would breathe if I were you. We don't want you to pass out now, do we? "

She took a deep breath and I could hear how nervous she was. I don't really get it. She dares to make fun of me and fuck me and then the next day pretend she doesn't know anything about it. But when she's in my room, all at my mercy, she's nervous- oh yes I get it and I think it's well deserved.

Please, just tell me now what you want.

" I will. But first I just want to know if you still have your manners. You don't talk to me like that, do you? " I conjured her gag away for now.
She shook her head no and I laughed lightly. I walked up to her and hit her on both thighs once with my cane.
" Words! "
" No mommy. I still have my manners. "

" I don't think so anyway. Do I have to start all over again with you. Starting with if you don't have permission to touch someone and certainly not in intimate places, that you shouldn't be allowed to. You put my reputation on the line and for what? For your personal pleasure? "

To this, of course, she had no answer...

Payback is a bad bitch, mommy.

She knew I was reading her mind and yet she dares to say such a thing?
" You little devil. I'll teach you some manners. Only, there is one problem in my opinion. A punishment that should be painful, I think you would like it too much. "

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