2 hours. That's how long I've slept. After getting her here I've sat on the edge of the bed with my phone in hand. Trying to figure out how the fuck her house was set ablaze. When I snuck in nothing was on.
Not a singular plug socket or light. Everything was shut off, which baffles me. Because how can something like that happen when nothing was on.
I've called Jamie a total of 8 times, he's hacking into her security system so he can watch the cameras back and check that nobody broke in.
It's the only thing that would make this all make sense.
"chto-libo?" I whisper careful not to awake her.
(Anything?)"poka net, khotya, kazhetsya, yest' obryv v kanale kamery. pokhozhe, kto by ni vzlomal, znal svoye der'mo." Jamie speaks over the phone. Is tone evidently tired.
(not yet, though there seems to be a cut in the camera feed. looks like whoever broke in knew their shit.)Fuck! How the fuck did they get in without me knowing. I was too wrapped up in the sheets with her, to even realise what was going on outside of the fucking room.
This would've never happened if I just kept it in my pants. Not that I regret our moment together, I just should've been more alert.
"Slushay, chuvak, ya mogu vosstanovit' otsnyatyy material, mne nuzhno vsego neskol'ko minut. Ne napryagaysya, ya uznayu, kto eto." The typing of his fingers on keys being fast.
(look man, I can retrieve the footage I just need a few minutes. Don't stress, I'll find out who it is.)We're only speaking in Russian because I know if she wakes up she'll instantly want to know what's going on. And I can't break it to her that someone broke in yet.
Jamie's good at hacking, he's been doing it his whole life, from side hustles at school. To breaking into accounts to retrieve money and knowledge for competing businesses.
"O Bozhe." He mutters.
(Oh my god.)He's stopped typing. The silence is deafening.
"Kakiye. Chto eto takoye?!" I whisper shout. Looking over my shoulder to check I haven't accidentally awoken her.
(What. What is it?!)"Eto ty papa." He breathes. Sounding shocked.
(It's you're dad.)Quickly standing I leave the room and walk downstairs. Before I can even reach the bottom floor my fist is going flying into the wall. The plaster breaks instantly my hand going straight through the solid materials.
"Fuck!" I shout, my phone now discarded somewhere on the steps.
Quick steps on the landing make my head turn. In their direction.
"What's going on?" She mumbles rubbing her eye.
She's wearing one of my shirts and nothing else, her eyes puffy from crying earlier.
"Don't worry." I say letting my forehead hit the wall with a small thump. My arm still stuck in the wall.
She slowly makes her way toward me and inspects the hole in the wall.
"Well, that was a bit excessive." She says her voice dry and laced with tiredness.
"Malyshka go back to bed." I whisper. I'm in no mood to argue with her about a hole in my wall right now.
RomanceBOOK ONE!! Kicking my legs open he stands in between them. Grabbing my hair that is secured in a tight ponytail and wrapping it around his fist, before pulling and dragging my head back. BOOK CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT⚠️ TW: Death Knife play Gun pl...