13. Heat

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Stirring in my sleep, I move to lay on my side. Hiking my leg up I feel something very hard below my knee. That's odd. I don't recall having anything solid in my bed.

Groaning I open my eyes slightly, squinting at the light that is leaking through the curtains. Once my eyes adjust, I look down. What the- directly beneath me are tattooed hard rock abs. The intricate designs are colourless. With slight dark shading around their edges.

The body I'm laying on shifts and groans.

"You planning on doing something with it malyshka." A rough tired Russian voice sounds.

"What." I croak my voice hoarse from sleep.

"Your hand." He gestures, lifting the duvet so I can see my hand nestled against his hard erection.

"Sorry." Quickly taking my hand off of his manhood I rest it between our bodies instead.

He's warm, like a hot water bottle. Having anaemia, I'm grateful for the heat supply, so I don't move. I relish in the warmth I'm gaining from this position.

"What am I doing in your house Nico?" I murmur wiggling under his arms.

"You couldn't walk and fell asleep after I destroyed that little pussy of yours." How he remains to stay in this world baffles me. The man has no filter.

"There was no destroying asshole." I lift my head to glare at him. He only put my head back where it was and shushes me.

"Do not shush me." I grumble.

"Malyshka I can think of many ways to make you be quiet, don't make me start to tick off my list."

Deciding on remaining silent, I pull the duvet over my head and drift back off to sleep.



She's been asleep for twelve hours, after I woke up to her hand on my dick I was desperate to be back inside of her, but to my dismay she fell asleep again. 

I watched her sleep for about two hours, I played with her hair and counted her heart beats. Every time I moved, she would quietly whimper which didn't help with my erection, so I decided to get up and do something productive with my day.

Kyle screams. I caught my friend Kyle here the other day, he was trying to kidnap a small girl so I returned the favour. Threw him in my boot and since he's been locked in a cell in my basement.

I have many cells down here, they all have a chair in the centre of the room, some have chains hanging from walls and each has their own table of torture devices. Some I made myself, my favourite device is a small box.

Designed to sit on top of one's manhood, it has electric barbed wire on the inside, and closes on voice control. It tightens every time any fucker wearing it screams. Which means that a lot of dicks end up fried and tossed. Shame really, but it's what really gets people talking.

A man is nothing without his penis, which is now being proven. Kyle wouldn't talk despite the brutal beatings he has been under. Removed fingernails. Removed toenails. Broken teeth. But as soon as I put my device on him. Boom. Answers.

"Where is James, Kyle." I ask flipping my knife in the air and catching it.

I forgot to mention James. James is the big boss. Well as he likes to call himself, runs the majority of the skin trade in New York, and a big fish that I am dying to catch. He mainly targets young women and children, hence how I caught Kyle. Kyle was sent out by James to catch a small child ready for their annual presentation.

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