27. Anarchy

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We're going after James. After Nicolas took me home the other night there was a ritual. The video was uploaded to one of their shared websites.

A small girl around eight years old, laid out on a concrete slab with them all surrounding her in masks and robes.

They mutilated her, tore her to shreds like ravage animals. Then drank her blood. The whole time there was a man standing at her feet muttering a language Jamie's tech couldn't decipher.

They tied her to the slab, she was screaming and crying. The video was horrific. So much that I was physically sick after. I don't know how they could do such a thing to a child.

Though the one thing they forgot to do was to cover their tracks, right after the video was released so did the location where it was taken.

Giving us the knowledge that we needed.

"Pass me the grenades." Hope holds out her hand, opening the metal drawer, I take out seven and give them to her.

"I've got the machetes." Jules shouts.

I look to her, where she stands holding three machetes in her hands she hands me and Hope one each and puts the other in a strap on her back.

Doing the same I walk over to the guns and take two Glock 17's and a G36. Putting the Glocks into the two holsters around my waist. Then walking over to the knifes I put my signature black and purple handled blade into the strap against my thigh.

I'm wearing leather pants and a black tank top, hair in a tight ponytail and high tech X-ray vision goggles. Jules and Hope closely match my attire though Hopes outfit is more high maintenance given her pay rise.

Jules is wearing cargos and a tank top. All of us with ponytails. We're at the base in our building, Nicolas is meeting us at the destination. Jamie's working the security cameras and drones.

We're all set up.


Jumping into the back of the van, I see Jamie stationed at a small desk smothered in all kinds of computers and technology crap. Nicolas standing behind him looking at the camera feed.

They're inside Jame's mansion, it has 12 bedrooms, a library, private bar, three offices, kitchen, pool house, dining room, living room, ballroom and of course an underground ritual room.

Looking up from the computer Nicolas takes my arm and pulls me towards him. He reaches behind him and grabs a bullet proof vest. I laugh.

"I'm not wearing that." I state.

He glares at me.

"The fuck your not, turn around."

I turn my back to him with a sigh and lift my arms, allowing him to slip the heavy vest onto my body, he puts his hands on my shoulders and spins me around again so I'm facing him.

"You take this off and I'll kill you myself." He zips it up and then turns back to the desk, picking up three small ear devices.

"Dish them out to your girls." He instructs putting them in the palm of my hand.

I do as he says and leave the van, walking over to Hope and Jules I pass them the small devices and put mine into my ear.

"Okay, I've got the camera feed running, they're all eating but make no mistake they're armed and ready for us to pounce. Be ready." Jamie speaks through the ear piece.

Nicolas shuts the van doors and walks to our little trio, gun in his hand and machete on his back. He's wearing a balaclava, the same one he wore the day Ben died.

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