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Scott felt pain in his stomach throughout the whole of the Saturday, his boyfriend (Jimmy) having to bring him food because it was such a pain for Scott to walk, he didn't bother to get out of his bed because even one single move will make his body shake with pain, Jimmy noticed this and could only sit by his lover and try to comfort him, as Scott felt nervousness and worry about him and his pups.

Scott trembled when Jimmy hugged him and whimpered when feeling the pups wriggle in his stomach. At least they haven't kicked yet. . . Scott thought, shuddering when thinking about the unbearable pain if they do kick him by surprise, his worries though pushed away when feeling Jimmy's comforting warmth surround his body.

"Shh, love, it'll be okay, the pups will be fine with a parent like you! You're an amazing boyfriend already and I'm a-hundred precent sure you'd be the best parent to these pups," Jimmy soothed his boyfriend that was in mad pain, Scott only whimpered in response and smiled softly at Jimmy, "I love you so much Jimmy. . ." Scott said in a raspy voice, Jimmy smiled softly at his boyfriend and kissed his cheek, Scott kissed him back and smiled, "I love you so much too, Scott. . ." Jimmy responded, wrapping his arm's around Scott's waist and rubbing his stomach soothingly.

Scott's tail wagged softly when Jimmy rested his chin in his shoulder and started sleeping on Scott, Scott snuggled up against the taller one and closed his eyes sleepily, only wanting Jimmy to stay by his side and for Jimmy to give him extreme comfort, the two slept for an impressive amount of time without getting disturb.

They had woken up at the next day (Sunday), five o' clock in the morning, Scott felt much better and he saw Jimmy clinging onto him tightly, "Good morning sweetheart, how are you love?" Scott whispered softly to his lover, twirling a strand of hair Jimmy had dangling across his face, Jimmy mumbled and kept on clinging onto Scott. Scott warmly smiled and patted Jimmy's head with love shining in his eyes, "Tired. . ." Jimmy muttered, Scott sat up and Jimmy followed and rested his head on Scott's belly, a smile carving on his mouth and his tail wagging softly when feeling the pups wriggle.

"Why are you tired?" Scott asked curiously, rubbing the sides of Jimmy's cheeks, "I'm tired and cold. . ." Jimmy muttered, Scott giggled, "That doesn't answer my question!" Jimmy looked at Scott and lovingly kissed his neck.

He pulled down the collar of Scott's cosy red jumper, revealing his bare shoulder, Scott gripped onto the bed sheets and used one hand to cover his mouth to prevent moaning when Jimmy bit softly on his neck, he licked spot he bit and looked at Scott with a goofy grin, Scott knew what he wanted, but he wasn't going to, "No~ I told you last time that we wouldn't do it anymore cause it could harm the pups!" Scott giggled.

Jimmy whimpered and sat on his knees, looking at Scott with pleading eyes, Scott opened his arms and softly smiled, "Awww puppy!~ It's okay, maybe we can do it again some other time alright?" Scott sighed, Jimmy's tail wagged again and he kept into the hug, Scott patted his back and kissed his cheek, "There there. . ." Scott whispered Jimmy nuzzled his nose deeper in Scott's neck, Scott clearly knew the alpha was wanting to do sexual activity but Scott refused, his temptation to do so growing stronger. . .

"Jimmy, no," Scott quietly said to his lover when feeling Jimmy part his legs open with his hands, Jimmy looked at Scott with eyes that showed pure lust, Scott shook his head and Jimmy groaned, lying the side of his head on Scott's stomach, Scott flinched when feeling Jimmy take off his shorts, "Jimmy, I said no," Scott tried to sound stern but only a giggle was heard.

Jimmy's tail softly wagged when seeing Scott's underwear, Jimmy nuzzled his nose in between Scott's flaps earning a moan from the cyanette, "J-Jimmy~" Scott moaned upon feeling Jimmy pull down his underwear, Jimmy took of his pants and boxers and threw them aside, Scott crossed his legs and turned to the side, Jimmy huffed and easily lifted up one of Scott's legs, Scott blushed and shuddered when feeling Jimmy go to Scott's back side and inserted his penis in Scott's hole, "J-JIMMY!~" Scott moaned, blushing when feeling Jimmy thrust slowly, Scott suppressed many moans by clamping his mouth shut but in the slightest it didn't work as he wanted it too. . .

Scott didn't want to enjoy it but he ended up enjoying it a lot, his moans only getting filled with lust and pure love, Jimmy stopped thrusting and let his penis slip out of Scott's hole, he rubbed his penis on the outside on Scott's vagina and let his semen spread on his flaps, Scott panted with tiredness and let his leg go limp, he then turned to Jimmy and frowned playfully.

"You dirty and horny alpha!" He huffed, still panting, Jimmy sheepishly smiled and kissed Scott's cheek, "You're lucky I love you," Jimmy smirked and chuckled, making the bottom also chuckled, "I know you liked it~" Jimmy grinned when seeing Scott's face flush red, "Shut up!" He growled softly, his flustered face getting the best of him.

"You're so horny every time!" Scott giggled, "Next time I won't be so nice!" Scott huffed, rolling his eyes, Jimmy looked at him and blushed, he flipped Scott so his face was facing Jimmy's, Scott blushed and so did Jimmy. Jimmy kissed his boyfriend on the lips and Scott kissed his boyfriend back, the two let go and Scott smiled, "I still won't be as kind~" "Oh come on!" Jimmy crossed his arms, Scott giggled and sat up, he looked at the time and saw it was just six o' clock, "Do you wanna watch a movie?" "Sure!". . .


Words: 1000

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