Chapter 2

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"How could you lose something so important?" (Y/n) asked through the phone, her back facing the disintegrating curse. "Ugh... How should I know? It wasn't in the box when I found it" Megumi groaned, as he headed back to his hotel room. "Did you tell Gojo?" She asked as she continued to scout the area, looking for more curses.

"Yeah, he told me 'it probably got up and walked away' and to 'continue looking for it'. He's such a lazy teacher" he mocked, most likely rolling his eyes at his teacher's words. "Figured as much, he dumped his mission on me to take out a group of curses" she grumbled as she easily evaded the charging curse.

"I guess we'll both be busy then, can't say when I'd get back," he said as he let out a dejected sigh. He had really wanted to cuddle with her, but his plans were ruined by his dumb mission. "Don't be so down, I can practically hear your frown" she joked as she skillfully took out another curse. "Whatever... I'm taking a very-needed nap" he grumbled as he checked into his hotel room.

"Alright, I'll most likely be up all night, there are so many little curses here. Don't miss me too much" she teased, before hanging up. When she placed her phone away, she took out her favorite book, knowing this will piss off the curses. "Wow, this is so easy, I can practically do this without hands!" She loudly said, enticing the curses further.

This tactic always worked, both on curses and humans, purposely taunting them so she can end her mission sooner. Rarely she would run into someone smart enough to not fall for her trick. In this case, she was fighting Grade 2 curses, who easily took the bait. Smirking under her mask, she took them out one by one, leaving the place without a scratch.

"5 minutes... A bit slow, maybe I can beat that in the next area" she mumbled to herself, not even close to done with her mission. She'll most likely spend the rest of the morning successfully clearing her mission, leaving her only a few hours of sleep before she's tasked with another mission. "Well, at least I'm being paid a lot of money" she reasoned with herself, not at all bothered being overworked.


Footsteps echoed throughout the desolate temple as they approached two figures. "Come on, I just got back! Don't I at least get some sort of break?!" A female complained to the busy male. "This mission is directly from the higher-ups, I have no say in this" the male retorted as he continued to stitch his doll.

"Hey now, what's this about keeping my precious little sister from resting?" Satoru interrupted as he swung an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. Meanwhile, the male behind them stood there in shock, recognizing the (h/c) hair, along with her voice. Oh, how he had longed to hear her voice again, having missed her touch. Her smell.

"It's confidential, Satoru, plus it comes with the job" (Y/n) huffed as she pushed his hand off of her. When she turned around she made eye contact with someone she never thought she'd see again. He was greatly disappointed, as her beautiful features are hidden by a mask. "Ah! Right, (Y/n), this is Yuji Itadori! Itadori meet my cute little sister!!" Satoru introduced them a bit dramatically.

"So, you're the kid Megumi told me about" (Y/n) said, pretending to not know him. This broke Yuji's heart, he opened his mouth but wasn't able to get a word out. "I'm going to check on Megumi, tell the higher-ups I'll get to the mission after my nap," she said as she walked past the speechless male.

Once she entered Megumi's room, she flopped onto his bed and instantly fell asleep. The male was lucky enough to be sitting in his chair, watching as the female made herself at home. This was a common occurrence, so he just let out an amused sigh as he gently removed her mask to allow her to sleep better.

Now, this would've been cute, if it weren't for the fact that he lovingly stared at her while she slept. Happily running his fingers through her soft (h/c) hair, having memorized the feeling. Fortunately, or unfortunately for him, the sound of talking got louder, almost waking the female up. Irritated, he walked out of his room pissed but made sure to close his door in hopes of keeping her asleep.

Though, this did not stop the snooping male from opening Megumi's door. "Woah! Your room looks so..." Yuji trailed off as he spotted (Y/n) sleeping in Megumi's bed. Quickly, Megumi yanked Yuji away from his room and successfully closed his door. "Awe, is Me-Gumi embarrassed that my sweet little sister was caught in your bed?" Satoru teased, not helping the situation.

"Why is she in your bed?" Yuji asked as he glared at his new rival. "Why does it matter to you?" Megumi retorted, glaring back at the male. "Ha! Friend's already! Sorry, but I'll be taking MY little sister back to her room!" Satoru gleefully said as he pushed past them and into Megumi's room. Startled the two males ran to Megumi's room, only to find both Satoru and (Y/n) no longer there.

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