Chapter 14

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"What is this about, Utahime?" (Y/n) asked as she and the first years wandered into the parking structure. "It's about the mole, Gojo informed you all about our theories, right?" Utahime asked as she stopped in front of some cars. A range of "yes" answered her question. "Good, today, we are going to apprehend the suspect, and conduct an interrogation" Utahime explained.

"So... It's someone from the Kyoto School, right?" Nobara asked, earning a shocked look from Yuji. "She's right, since we are all here, from the Tokyo Branch, it must be a Kyoto Student" (Y/n) noted, with a head nod. "Wow, you're so smart (Y/n)" Yuji praised. "Idiot! I'm the one who came up with the idea!" Nobara exclaimed as she glared at him.

"You both are right... We assume the mole is Mechamaru. I will lead you all to the real Mechamaru, and apprehend him" Utahime said as she walked forward. Yuji and Nobara briefly ceased their bickering to silently agree to a truce, before the group followed after her. Thankfully, they weren't far from the hideout, in which Mechamaru resided.

"You see... We only suspect him as the mole, by process of elimination. His cursed technique is Puppet Manipulation, thanks to his Heavenly Restriction, his technique can reach the entire nation. Thus, being a mole to steal information would be easy for him" Utahime explained as she lead the group to an underground corridor.

"Really? But it'd draw a lot of attention if you ask me" Yuji commented innocently. "Not quite, his technique can range from any size. Like a small bug puppet, for example" (Y/n) clarified. earning an "oooh" from Yuji. "Here's the room," Utahime said as she pointed to the door. "I've got it! Stand back" Yuji said as he ran up to the door, as Utahime backed away from him.

With a loud smack, the door flew off the hinges, leaving a large dent in the door. Peeking into the room, all they found is a dingy room, with a crusted chair. "There's no one here" (Y/n) said, pointing out the obvious. "He got us" Utahime hissed as she glared at the empty room. "It's confirmed, Mechamaru's the mole" Nobara finalized, a bit disappointed.


October 31st, 2018, was a day no one anticipated, as a curtain was cast over a 400-meter radius, covering all of Shibuya. Everyone was split into different groups, paired with a teacher and a high-leveled sorcerer. The students were nervous, as they learned that (Y/n) would be at the front lines, with Satoru. It did not help, that citizens were begging for Satoru Gojo to be there.

"This is bad... Whoever planned this, knows what they're up against" (Y/n) said as she followed Satoru into the barrier. "Don't worry, little sister, I've got this covered" Satoru reassured her. As they wandered into the crowd, they stopped at a high ledge, peering over the crowd. "Yeesh! What a mess" Satoru complained as he squat down. "Don't do that, you might fall" (Y/n) scolded him, staying close to the railing.

"(Y/n), you can see it too, yes?" Satoru asked with a serious look. "Of course, go on ahead, I'll catch up" (Y/n) said with a wave of her hand. With a small smirk, he got up from his crouched position and started walking over the crowd of people. (Y/n) watched with a deadpan look, as he got to the middle of the building, with easy access to the bottom. "Well? Come on!" Satoru called for her, as he waved at her.

"Yeah, yeah" (Y/n) grumbled as she jumped down, shoving her way through the crowd. Eventually, she got up to where Satoru was. With a nod, they both dropped down, greeted by crowds of people, which are stopped by a gate. "It's those two again" (Y/n) noted, as she spotted the tree and volcano curse.

"It's you... No matter, we will still beat you both easily" Jogo said cockily. "Oh, getting cocky already?" Satoru teased, amused by the curse's determination. The sound of plants moving caught their attention, as roots blocked off the exit above. "Looks like they're scared we'd run off" (Y/n) said with a smirk. "How dramatic," Satoru said with a shrug, shaking his head from side to side.

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