Chapter 9

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Turns out, Nanami knew the precise location of the cursed spirit, not that it was hard to find. "Ech..." (Y/n) grimaced as she stared at the entrance to a sewer tunnel. Her covered eye can see it, the leftover residue that the curse left behind. She's not stupid, she knows it's a trap. "This is why I hate this stupid school" she grumbled as sparks lit up around her as she headed inside.

As she headed deeper into the tunnel, the more human-turned-curses she had to kill. Yuji's imaginary blood, which use to cover her hands, was coated by the blood of these humans. "Are you going to come out, or not?" (Y/n) called, a bit frustrated with the curse. "Ah... What a relief, it's the Hatake girl" Mahito said as he appeared out of the darkness. (Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed, how does this curse know her clan?

"Don't be so relieved, I'm considered Special Grade" (Y/n) informed, as she glared at the curse. With a couple of hand signs, a lightning beast formed and ran right at Mahito. Unlike Megumi, she stayed back as her familiar attacked the curse, as Mahito is sent backward, he did not anticipate her to attack him from his side.

With a lightning blade, coating her hand, she sliced off Mahito's hand, while kicking him in the face which sent him flying backward. "Oh? You are a difficult opponent! So interesting, your technique relies on lightning?" Mahito asked as he observed his hand-less arm. "Maybe it is... Maybe it's not" (Y/n) said ominously, as her eye observed him.

"Ominous, how exciting. Hey, tell me, which do you think came first? The soul or the body?" Mahito asked, earning a confused hum from the female. "I think... You're talking about a load of nonsense" (Y/n) said, earning a frown from the curse. "Don't be like that... It's just a simple question" Mahito pressed, only to earn a Kunai Knife flung at his face.

"Why should I care about whether or not the soul is the body? Unless that's your cursed technique" (Y/n) said as she held up another Kunai. "Precisely, as you can see, your attack did nothing to me," Mahito said as his hand regenerated. "Unlike you, I can maintain the shape of my soul and stretch it. Same with other souls that I come into contact with" he explained casually.

She glared as Mahito sent a few curses at her, looks like she was not the only one with a familiar. Snapping her fingers, she sent her Lighting pet to attack the human-transfigured-curses, while she attacked Mahito. "For a Special Grade, you make great use of your powers!" Mahito complimented as they fought.

(Y/n) quickly avoided the arms that flung at her, as they ram right into the wall, creating dust and rubble. She had no clue how to defeat this guy if he isn't affected by her attacks. She quickly jumped over her lightning beast, as it whipped around and attacked the curses around her. 'Ignore them... They're already dead' (Y/n) internally reminded, not needing to be distracted by unnecessary things.

"You know, you're heartless, ignoring those humans like that" Mahito teased as he avoided another lighting attack. "But... Then again, I can feel it. Your soul, it's trembling, you hate that you have to kill them, don't you?!" He exclaimed with a sadistic smile. "You know... I really hate curses like you!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she kicked his gut, sending him flying into a wall.

"Really? Because, I'm grateful for you~" Mahito cooed as he appeared right behind her. With a loud thump, (Y/n) winced as she felt cursed energy pump into her. "Get off me!" She yelled as she stabbed a Kunai into his head, and quickly jumped away from him. "Gah..." She coughed as she bent down, she might've gotten away, but she can feel her insides screaming at her.

"Interesting... You didn't get transfigured, but something definitely broke" Mahito commented as he took the knife out of his skull. "Fuck... You" (Y/n) spat as she can feel blood soak into her mask, she won't give up that easily. "What a foul mouth, maybe if I hit you a few more times, you'll fully be transfigured" Mahito mocked, earning him a glare.

"I refuse to be your puppet!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she quickly formed a few hand signs. "Water Tsunami," she said as the sewer lifted up and spiraled right at Mahito. "Wha- AGH!" Mahito cried as he got swept up, unable to avoid it as the move took up the whole tunnel. With the curse no longer in sight, (Y/n) stumbled her way back toward the entrance of the sewer system.

Stumbling, she fished out her phone she attempted to call Ichiji, the assistant. "Pick up... Pick up" she mumbled, only to, unfortunately, be sent to voice mail. "Damn it..." She cursed as she fell to her knees, she didn't even make it to the sewer entrance. That curse did a number on her, honestly, she was surprised she survived his attack at all.

"Damn it..." She mumbled again as she typed in a familiar number. "Ichiji! Finally, you got-" "Yuji..." (Y/n) mumbled, cutting him off. "(Y/n)?" Yuji asked, his eyes widening in shock, ever since their breakup, she never called, something was wrong. "Are you... Not with Ichiji?" She asked as she leaned against the wall. "No, I'm with Junpei. (Y/n), what's wrong? Are you alright?" Yuji asked worriedly.

A loud string of coughs was his answer, as he heard her shuffle and struggle. "Fucking hell" (Y/n) cursed as she used the wall to support her. Yes, she is a Special Grade, but that does not make her immortal, or invulnerable to specific attacks. "I'm... I'm at a sewer tunnel. Are you able to pick me up?" She asked as she struggled to breathe.

"Of course! Just send me the address and I'm on my way!" Yuji quickly said. (Y/n) hummed as she hung up, quickly texting him her location. It did not take him long to find her, surprisingly she hadn't passed out. "Oh god... (Y/n)! What happened?!" Yuji exclaimed as he is instantly by her side. She might have imagined it, but she swore she is seeing a second set of eyes on Yuji's face.

"Hold on, don't fall asleep! We'll- We'll heal you!" Yuji said frantically, as he propped her up. (Y/n)'s vision started to fade, looks like blood-lost and the pain is finally catching up to her. Her ears rang as she could hardly understand what Yuji was saying, her consciousness fades, and the last sight she saw was the tattoos appearing on Yuji's features.

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