Chapter 8

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"I'm really sorry, Megumi... Satoru is sticking me with another mission, and I cannot decline it" (Y/n) said through the phone in a guilty tone. "No... Don't apologize, I'm just... I'm just happy to hear your voice" Megumi mumbled, almost not picking up on his side. "Now, I must rest, I'm meeting up with an old teacher tomorrow. I'll see you on the day of the event!" She said, earning a muffled 'alright...' before hanging up.

The next morning, Yuji, Satoru, and (Y/n) walked through the hallway, with only Yuji clueless about where they were headed. "You know, he won't be happy to learn I'm joining" (Y/n) commented, interrupting the silence. "Don't say that! He was your tutor for a long time, he enjoys your company!" Satoru reassured, leaving out the fact that this person only accepted the mission because she was joining.

"Who?" Yuji asked cluelessly, as he tilt his head to the side. "A sorcerer, you'll meet him soon enough. He's actually (Y/n)'s old tutor!" Satoru explained happily. "He's also a better parental figure..." (Y/n) mumbled, which went unheard. As they headed outside, Satoru ran right up to the sorcerer. "Meet, Kento Nanami!! (Y/n)'s old tutor, and an ex-salary's man!" Satoru introduced as he swung an arm over Nanami's shoulders.

"Please, do not introduce me like that, and get off me," Nanami said as he shook off Satoru's arm. "(Y/n), I was told you will be joining. I believe this mission is for someone of Yuji's caliber, don't you have enough missions on your plate?" He asked as he stared down at her. "Talk to Satoru, he's the one who put me up to it," she said as she pointed an accusing finger at her "brother".

"Actually, (Y/n), this mission was specifically ordered by the higher-ups," Satoru said seriously. Yuji mentally cheered at this information, glad she was joining him on his mission. "It's that serious, huh?" (Y/n) mumbled, she let out a tired sigh, this is why she hates being in this school.


"Ah, shit, it's one of these" (Y/n) grumbled as she stared at the crime scene. "Is this normal?" Yuji asked worriedly, not for the deceased, but for (Y/n). He hated that she has to experience this kind of stuff almost daily. "Enough with the emotional stuff, we're here on a mission" Nanami quickly interrupted, wanting to get this job done quickly.

Yuji sent Nanami a nasty glare, how dare this ex-sorcerer interrupt his time with his girl. "Right, looks to me there's a bunch of residuals heading that way" (Y/n) said as she gestured to the ground. "Really? Where?" Yuji asked, his emotions turning a full 180, as he cluelessly looked at the ground she gestured to.

(Y/n) let out a small snicker, she missed this side of him, his childish, innocent side. But, it also reminded her that he is not innocent. "Come on, we don't have time for you to 'spot the difference'," she said bluntly as she pushed past him. "Let's go, Itadori" Nanami said as he followed after (Y/n). Yes, he did notice the odd interaction between the two. Did he care? Not in the slightest.

"Looks like she's not over what you did to her" Sukuna mocked in Yuji's mind. "Can you just shut up" Yuji mumbled as he scowled at the air, before following the two. "So, from what I heard, we're most likely dealing with a curse user" (Y/n) started as they followed the residuals. "It could, it's hard to tell" Nanami answered briefly, as he nodded at her words.

As they entered the rain, (Y/n) took shelter under Nanami's umbrella, making Yuji glare in jealousy. "That can't be all to it, the higher-ups wouldn't request me for something so minor..." (Y/n) trailed off as she glanced to the side. "Itadori, look alive" she warned as she gestured to where she was looking at.

The two males looked to where she stared, instantly spotting a cursed spirit. "I've got it," Yuji said as he tossed his umbrella to the side. "No, let me take care of this one, why don't you handle the one over there? (Y/n), please supervise him" Nanami ordered as he handed her his umbrella. "I can handle it... Oh, why don't you take out something else" Yuji mocked in a high-pitched tone.

"Don't worry, (Y/n)- I mean Hatake! I've got this! Just stand there and look pretty" Yuji said while puffing his chest. (Y/n) simply rolled her eyes at him, she knows he was trying to show off. As the two sorcerers fought, she casually walked over to the dropped umbrella, ignoring Yuji's struggles in handling the curse. She squinted her eye at the curse, something was off, her Six Eyes in her covered eye can tell it was not a normal curse.

It did not take the two long to kill the two curses, and it took them too long to realize the main issue. "Kento! Itadori! Stop!" (Y/n) exclaimed, diverting their attention away from the dead curses. "They're not curses! They're-"

"They're human," Shoko said from the other side of the phone, having just analyzed the bodies given to her. "I didn't realize it sooner... Sometimes feedback is slow" (Y/n) said as she tapped her headband that covered her eye. "No, they were filled with cursed energy, similar to cursed spirits. Realizing that is nearly impossible" Nanami reassured as he pat her head.

Yuji looked down with a guilty look as he listened to the conversation in silence. 'Damn it! I just killed someone in front of her! She wasn't supposed to know!' Yuji internally scolded himself, not at all regretting killing a former human. "Don't be too hard on yourself, the complexity of these curses is astounding" Shoko also reassured in a motherly tone.

"Thanks... Mom" (Y/n) mumbled with a small smile, hidden behind her mask. Yuji perked up, a little confused by the title, last he remembered, she had no family members. "She's your mom?" Yuji asked once Nanami had ended the call. "No, not biologically. Similar to how I see Kento as my Father" (Y/n) said as she gestured to the older male.

"That's enough, (Y/n), this is not the time to tell background stories. I need you to do something, while Itadori and I scope out this mission" Nanami said as he stood up. "Wait- She's not joining me?" Yuji asked as he abruptly stood up. "Most likely, I'm going to be out on the field, searching for this thing. Right, Kento?" (Y/n) asked as she leaned back against the couch.

"No! I-I mean, can't there be someone else who fights them?" Yuji asked as he waved his arms around. "No, she is a capable sorcerer" Nanami finalized, ending the argument. (Y/n) let out a sigh as she stood up, shoving her hands into her pockets. "Send me the details through text," she said as she headed out, leaving before someone, Yuji, could stop her.

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