Chapter 6

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It has been less than a week, and training with the second years had been hard for Megumi and Nobara. (Y/n) had offered to train them, but Maki had shot it down instantly. "AHHHH!!!" Nobara screamed as she was chucked into the air by Panda. This was her daily training of having better reflexes. She will most definitely have bruises from falling so many times.

"What in the world are they doing?" Megumi asked as he approached them. "Just some fall practice, where had you been?" (Y/n) asked as she turned her head to look at him. Before he could answer, an arm wrapped around his shoulder. "Me-gumi~! Hey, didn't expect you to be here" Satoru said, having appeared out of thin air.

"Oh great he's here" Maki groaned, rolling her eyes at their teacher. "Gojo Sensei, is there something you need?" Pada asked, while casually tossing Nobara in the air. "HEY! HEY! I WASN'T READY-" Plop, she landed face first into the ground. "Good question! I do need something, well, more like someone. (Y/n), my lovely little sister!" Satoru exclaimed as he smiled brightly at her.

"You know... If you needed me, you could've just called my phone" (Y/n) pointed out. "Wait, I thought you blocked his number?" Megumi asked, earning a look of realization. "Oh, right... But he'll just spam me again" she grumbled unhappily. "I would not! Anyways, I'm taking her with me, don't miss her too much!" Satoru said as he pranced his way to her and lifted her up by the arm.

"Hey! You can't just steal-" Nobara didn't get to finish her sentence, as their teacher warped away, taking (Y/n) with him. "WHAT THE HELL!!" She exclaimed unhappily, while the others, not including Panda, just sighed in annoyance. "Where did you even take me?" (Y/n) asked as they appeared in front of a creepy door.

"You'll see, come on! I know you'll love it!" Satoru urged as he gestured to the door. "Is this the day you finally decide to kill me? If so, chose a better place than this" she said while deadpanning at the door. "Just open the damn door and head inside" he grumbled as he pouted. With a sigh, she did as told and headed into the creepy room, only to stop halfway there.

She blinked a couple of times, silently staring, then attempted to walk back up the stairs. "Wh- Wait, (Y/n)! Come back!" Yuji cried as he reached his hand toward her. After some coaxing from Satoru, she finally headed back down the stairs, silently staring at a pouting Yuji. "Aren't you happy? Your deceased friend is no longer deceased!" Satoru chirped happily.

So, he's practically saying she got traumatized for practically nothing?! How is she even supposed to react? 'Oh, I'm so happy my deceased ex-fiance is no longer dead!' As if. It doesn't help she can practically feel a third person staring at her, it made the situation more uncomfortable. Maybe if she's fast enough, she can run away from the school and vanish off the face of the earth.

"Why am I here, Satoru?" She asked bluntly, opting to let him explain the situation. "Well, you see... I need you to be a dear, and train him for me! You see, daddy is very busy, and needs mommy to babysit" Satoru said with a nervous smile. "First, don't ever call yourself that. Second, he and I are the same age, I am not babysitting. Third, what's so important that you can't teach him yourself?" She asked while narrowing her eyes at him.

"Uh... Thanks, bye~!" Satoru said as he vanished in front of them, causing Yuji to jump in shock. "Woah!! How did he do that?!" Yuji asked as he stared at the spot in awe. "That bastard teleported... He didn't even explain what I'm teaching you" she grumbled while pinching the bridge of her nose. "Man, I am so happy! You get to teach me cursed energy and cursed techniques!" Yuji said with a large smile.

Well, that answered her question, lazy bastard didn't want to teach the new kid the basics. "This is going to be a long day" (Y/n) mumbled to herself. What a long day it was, as it nearly took her over an hour to go over the basics, in the simplest way. She had to repeat herself multiple times, due to Yuji getting distracted and "forgetting" what she said.

In truth, he did hear what she said, but sometimes he got distracted by her beauty. He wanted to taste her succulent (s/c) skin, littering her with marks. Her (h/c) hair was too tempting not to run his fingers through it, maybe even take a fallen strand for safekeeping. Oh, and her eyes, he just wants her to continuously gaze at him, he just can't get enough of her attention.

He was so distracted, he didn't notice he was being handed something until it smacked him in the face. Sukuna snickered in his head, enjoying his vessel's misery. "Ow! What the hell?!" Yuji complained as he held the item away from him, only to notice it was a doll. "Good, you're listening, that there is a cursed doll, you're to keep a constant flow of cursed energy for it to not punch you" (Y/n) informed him.

"What?! Man, so not cool" Yuji grumbled as he glared at the curse, hating the inanimate object for ruining their moment. "Oh, and you get to watch movies, alone" she informed as she poured out a bunch of CDs. from a bag. "Wait, alone? You're not going to watch with me?" Yuji asked, staring at her in alarm.

"Obviously, you'd be watching me more than the TV. I don't need you distracted while learning the basics of Jujutsu" she said bluntly. "Come on, even Sukuna wants you to stick around, right?" He asked as he attempted to glance at his cheek. "Don't rope me into this, brat" Sukuna grumbled unhappily.

He'll admit, he did want (Y/n) to stick around, which would give him the chance to be around her for a minute. But, he agreed with the idea of letting the brat learn basic Jujutsu. This means that his vessel could go on missions with her, allowing him to "keep an eye" on her. Especially if she's in danger and needs his help, not that he'd help.

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