Waking Up to Them

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Danny's POV

My eyes felt heavy but they opened. The lights were bright. I already knew I was in the hospital. I could hear the guys when I was awake. I saw a woman by the bed but she didn't seem to notice. I moved my hand a little and she froze. Her eyes meet mine. She ran into the hall way.

"She's awake!" She yelled. Soon a doctor and that nurse comes in the room.

"Miss Diamond, nice of you to wake up. Everyone has been worried about you." The nurse came over before taking the tube thing from my mouth and the tape. She then took the ivs from my arm. "Anything you want to say?"

"Can I have some water?" My throat felt very dry. The nurse rushed off before returning with a glass of water. I set up before drinking it down. "Thank you." The nurse helped me out of bed because I wanted to stand. I was a little unstable on my feet but after a few minutes of standing and walking I started to stable out. After about ten minutes with the doctor and nurse watching me I sit down.

"What would you like to eat?" She asked.

"Pizza and cake." I say. A slight smile makes it to my face. She rushes off again.

"Now, let's talk about what happened." The doctor took a seat. "Do you have any questions?"

"How long was I asleep?"

"Four months. Your friends and family stopped by several times a day. One of them stopped by more than the others. Kinda short boy with blonde hair."

"Honey." I say with a smile. I can't believe he stayed with me. Soon the nurse returns with my food and I start to eat. When I finish the nurse moves the tray aside.

"Just rest a little bit sweetie. Your friends should be stopping by after school soon. They always do." I smiled before lying down.

"Thank you." I soon fell asleep.

Third person POV

The host walked in the hospital but the nurse, Yuki, stopped them.

"Good news. She woke up." As soon as Honey heard he took off running to her room. The others ran behind him. They enter the room seeing Danny lying with her back to the door sleeping. Honey ran over jumping on the bed waking her up.

"I didn't do it!" She saw the host looking at her. She smiled. Honey instantly wrapped his arms around her hugging her. Tamaki and the others also hugged her together.

"We missed you." Haruhi tells her.

"How's Kimberly and Cameron?"

"They're fine. Your aunt, cousins, and the nanny has been watching them. They came and visited you a few times. Bradley didn't want them to see you like that." The twins say together. Danny rests her head on Honey's shoulder.

"Can we leave now? I've been in this bed too long." They all let go out her and she gets out of bed but has to hold the gown thing closed. Haruhi took her arm and they walked to the bathroom. She took her school jacket off.

"Here." She turns around and Danny takes the gown thing off. She pulls on Haruhi's jacket and buttons it up. It goes about a little passed Haruhi's butt so on Danny it's about to mid thigh. She smooths it down before they both leave the bathroom. The guys were waiting for them. She saw Mai on the floor beside the bed. Danny knocked her off when she woke up. She walked over and picked her up. A smile made it to her lips looking at Mai. Kaoru saw how she smiled at the bunny and realized he was right about the bunny. She carries her to remind herself of her mother. They go to desk to check Danny out. The nurse gets a bag under the desk.

"Here sweetie. These were dropped off for you about a month ago by your cousins." She smiled. Danny took the bag and thanked her. She went in the bathroom and got in the clothes. She had matching black underclothes with skinny jeans and a solid black top. She then pulls on her converse and socks. She then exits and joins the host. She gave Haruhi her jacket back. Kyoya filled out the paper work to have her released. When everything was settled they all left. Honey and her had their fingers interlocked. She
also carried Mai under her other arm.

"Let's go spread the word that I'm awake." Danny smiles. They get in the limo outside and head to where her aunt moved to. When they get there Kimberly and Cameron were sitting on the stairs. They looked up seeing the host get out of the limo but when Danny got out they instantly ran to her and latched onto her waist.

"Danny!" They both yell. She hugs them back. The door opened showing Bradley. He ran over and picked her up in his arms hugging her. A smile stayed on her face. Soon her whole family was hugging her. Things soon calmed down and Danny got to hang with her friends. They are all back at her place but she's drying her hair. She took a shower.

"I can't believe you actually look like a girl now." Hikaru says earning a slap to the back of the head from Kaoru. Danny's hair has grown out since Kimmy cut it. Her hair now goes to the shoulder. She giggles at them.

"If I do recall right you guys said something about an amusement park for when I woke up." She smirks. They end up going to the amusement park to relax after everything that happened. Honey stayed by her side and so did Haruhi. Through out the whole night the guys caught her up on everything she missed. During the night Honey couldn't stop thinking about Danny. He couldn't believe she was ok and with him again. He squeezed her hand a little getting a sweet smile out of her. They spent the whole night together.

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