5- Am I being tricked? Surely not!

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The morning after the party, [Y/N] felt that they sort of acted out on innocent Goggles, and so they decided to go apologize for saying drunken things they shouldn't have said.

They put on an outfit that would blend in, and they went out of the hotel to the train station. From there they made their way to Sturgeon Shipyard, where a battle between Blue Team and Yellow-Green Team was going to take place in the morning.

"Hey, guys." [Y/N] said as they walked up to the side of the stage.

"[Y/N]! Glad you're feeling better!" Bobble Hat said with a big grin.

Goggles added, "Ready to watch this epic battle? I've got a trick up my sleeve this time..."

"What do you mean by that? Better not involve something stupid," Rider mumbled, "Like indecent exposure."

Specs chimed in, "If Goggles says he has some sort of surprise, you can't trust him not to do something stupid. You of all people should know that, Rider."

"Right," Rider replied, "I have to keep my guard- and my belt -up."

The teams positioned themselves on the spawners and shot down when the match clock started. [Y/N] made sure to watch from a safe area, learning their lesson from last time. 

Both teams started painting the ground, like they always do in every battle. [Y/N] watched in awe as both teams poured their heart into every stroke of ink that was painted, and every step they took was a hopeful one.

Eventually, the fight in the middle became a fight for control of turf. 

If you can defend the center, you've got the game in the palm of your hand. [Y/N] thought to themself, having experience from playing Splatoon 2 prior to buying 3. Well, they didn't exactly buy it themself. Their father came back with a blank game card, which was certainly weird. No box. No label. [Y/N] didn't pay attention to it at first. But it's a bit concerning now since they ended up in the game, maybe the game wasn't what they thought it was...

Their deep thoughts were interrupted by laughter and commotion from the fans watching. Goggles had, you guessed it, pantsed Rider when he was busy fighting.

 [Y/N] was used to seeing censorship in the manga...in real life there was no censorship. They weren't ready to see Rider in that way.

"Uhhh, Rider...You know that everyone can see your-" [Y/N] said as they were cut off by, "YES, I KNOW THAT!!" from Rider.

"Hey, [Y/N]! I told you I'd give you a welcome surprise!" Goggles said cheerfully.

As Rider pulled his pants up, he splatted Goggles in cold blood and said, "NOT IN THAT WAY!!"

Laughter from both teams and all the spectators. It was a real treat to see Goggles being his goofy self, having fun like he always does. [Y/N] felt like this was the one time where he wasn't acting...fake. Like he knew something they didn't.

[Y/N] was pretty shaken from seeing uncensored genitals, but when they saw the humorous match that came after, they laughed. It was the first time they've felt so good in a while.

The match ended with Yellow-Green winning by about 20%, and when they got into the lobby after, Goggles congratulated Rider by kissing him. 

"You were amazing despite being pantsed!" Goggles said with his arms wrapped around Rider.

Rider attempted to pull away jokingly. "You're the one that made me all shaken."

[Y/N] smiled. "Huh! I never knew Rider and Goggles were actually dating! It's not canon in the ma- in my world, but I always had a feeling. You two are a pretty special lot. I can't believe I get to see this with my own eyes."

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙣! - A Coroika/Splatoon fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now